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Hello one and all, HELP!!!


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  • Hello one and all, HELP!!!

    Hello all,
    After a lengthy period on a waiting list for an allotment in my area at last I have control of one.
    So, as I'de not thought about what I would do once I got one, what do I do now?

    Please be gentle with me as I'm new here, it's like my 1st day at school and I think this will be my steepest learning curve.
    Seriously this is something I've always wanted to do but now I can I'm clueless.

    Look forward to some replies.

  • #2
    Hi and Welcome to the Vine NewKid

    Dont worry you will get lots of support, help and advice here.

    I too am relatively new to this only had my plot since Nov last year.

    What I would do is to take stock of the plot.

    Do you have a shed/greenhouse? if yes is there anything in it?

    Do you have a compost bin/s?

    Do you have water butts?

    apparently some plots have these, I dont have a shed, a greenhouse, waterbutts and I didnt have any compost bins.

    My first job was to build a compost bin, I used old pallets, but I know some people have the plastic ones affectionately refered to as dalaks ( I have one of these at home)

    I know there was nothing growing on my plot left from previous tenants, but you should check to see if there is on your plot.

    You can always talk to other plot holders next to yours and ask if they know what was grown and where and also how long it has not been culitvated for.

    How is the plot organised does it have designated beds?

    Some plot holders at my site just dig over the whole plot without seperating areas for planting.

    I decided to make beds 4ft wide so I could reach the middle from both sides and the width of my plot (think I got this wrong and may need to slit these up and its a bit of a pain having to walk all the way round).

    What I did next was to decided what I wanted to grow (think I over done it on this score have seedlings coming out of my ears and not sure where to plant them yet)

    Made a plan on excel.

    started to dig.

    others on here maybe able to help more than this.

    hope this is of help


    • #3
      Hi there newkid, welcome to the vine. I don't have an allotment myself (yet...) so can't really help with your question. I imagine it must seem quite daunting when you first begin but I'm sure one you get stuck in and start seeing some results then there will be no stopping you. There is a very good thread by dexterdoglancashire of the plot before and now after all the hard graft. I think it is very inspirational and did encourage me to email the council for a list of free alotments in my area..... not quite enough to actually take any of them on as yet, FAR too scary.


      • #4
        Hi NewKid and welcome.
        CONGRATULATIONS on getting your Lottie .
        I'm like Serenity, I don't have an allotment YET.
        Going to be waiting a long time, I'm number 15 and only 9 were relet this year (sniff sniff). But I can wait, because the lotties have the best view ever and already I like the people that I have met there, so helpful and friendly.
        Enjoy it to the full and happy growing NewKid
        "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


        • #5
          Many thanks for the warm welcome all. I've not actually seen my plot yet, I'm meeting my local councillor there later to take stock of what will be under my control. I think, from what she was saying, that it's been redundent for some time as the previous keeper fell ill and wasn't able to maintain it.
          I'll spend my whole weekend there as I think it'll deffinately need it. I guessa lot of clearing 1st before getiing stuck in to planting and the like.
          I have nothing to help me on my way Percy T, No compost bins, Water butts etc very unprepared actually but fingers crossed.
          It's something I've always wanted to do as a chef by trade it's always been important for me to source good quality local produce.
          I'll keep yo all posted on my progress and look out for lots more posts titled 'HELP!!!!'


          • #6
            Just wanted to say hi!
            I'm a germinator too and loving it here!
            Hope you have a good back breaking weekend taming your lotti!
            Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
            Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

            Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


            • #7
              Hello and welcome to the vine newkidontheblock.
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                hello new kid and welcome, all i would say is take your time try not to do everything at once, if you do , it will become a chore, and nobody likes doing chore,s if it has been redundant and most new lottie,s are, strim it cover it and start with a small patch, and increase as you feel like it draw it on paper, placing beds where you want and when its right for you put it into practise good luck, the hard work is worth it in the end.
                Mick aka murfe 18


                • #9
                  Hi NewKid

                  Congratulations! Now the fun starts....

                  Here's a thread from when we were given our allotment 1 month ago - there's some advice from others on there and some photos of the state of our plot:

                  And here's the link from when Dexterdog got her allotment in the winter:

                  Good luck!
                  Last edited by Eternal Sunshine; 26-04-2007, 04:23 PM.
                  I've had my weetabix...


                  • #10
                    Well done New Kid,

                    I have just got my own allotment also and so am at much the same stage as you are.

                    I have been growing veg for a few years now but finally got my hands on a decent plot and have allsorts planned.

                    What area are you in, you may be surprised by the help you will get offered if any other grapes are local to you.

                    Good luck and make sure it stays fun!


                    • #11
                      Hi, and welcome,

                      What I did was to get a few seeds sown in trays or pots, and then you can get a few plots cleared for planting.
                      Dont clear too much because of all the other things that will need doing, such as fence, shed, greenhouse, water butts, compost area ect.
                      But get some seeds going first.



                      • #12
                        Hello Newkidonthe block, welcome the Vine and congratulations on getting the Allotment.

                        If you look at threads in Allotment Advice you may find the answers to many of your questions.

                        Good luck!
                        Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                        ~ Mary Kay Ash


                        • #13
                          Hi Newkid, congrats on your allotment. I hope it's better than mine was (shoulder high in brambles and docks and I had to machete my way through it. Best advice I can give is plant stuff as soon as you can - even if you can only clear a small area get it planted. Seeing stuff grow is terrific encouragement to keep going. Anything you can't manage to clear properly can be cut down and covered with weed suppressant material - thick layers of cardboard, old cardboard etc. Good luck and keep posting - let us know how you get on. Oh, by the way - take pictures (before and after ones) that really makes you see how much progress you've made.


                          • #14
                            Hi newkid and welcome to the Vine! You've made the best start of all - logging on here! Lots of friendly and helpful advice!
                            Looking forward to hearing how you get on!
                            Bernie aka Dexterdog
                            Bernie aka DDL

                            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                            • #15
                              Hi NKOTB, congrats on your new lottie, the weather looks good for the weekend so get out there and enjoy. The main thing is don't overdo. Start small and gain confidence.
                              I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


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