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Cucumber plant, leaves turning brown!!


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  • Cucumber plant, leaves turning brown!!

    Not sure what it is but it don't look healthy, well the leaves do not but the cucumber (bottom right) looks quite nice

    Not sure if it is this

    Gummy Stem Blight and Black Rot
    Last edited by esbo; 06-08-2012, 05:18 AM.

  • #2
    Here is another one, again a cucumber (I think )

    My courgette plant ( no pic, maybe I post one later) also had similar problems on the leaves, all the fruits look fine though

    Plants do not seem too big, maybe the pots are too small.
    Maybe it is the damp that causes the brown bits, I think it makes them more prone
    to infections ie fungus or whatever. Not sure if there is much I can do.
    I have cut off some leaves which were even worse.

    The fruits are not too big but then it's not the size it's what you do with it that matters.
    Last edited by esbo; 06-08-2012, 05:33 AM.


    • #3
      Note the tiny onion on the left.
      Of all the things I tried growing the onions were the worst!!

      Here is a better one!!


      • #4
        Might as well throw in a few tomato pics while I am at it!!


        • #5
          I have a similar browning/yellowing on mine in the greenhouse, an "old sage" has told me that its scorching - so I have covered the sideo f the greenhouse and removed hte damaged leaves and await the outcome. all the new leaves grown and green and perfect - so am hoping this is the issue.


          • #6
            Originally posted by leonmc0708 View Post
            I have a similar browning/yellowing on mine in the greenhouse, an "old sage" has told me that its scorching - so I have covered the sideo f the greenhouse and removed hte damaged leaves and await the outcome. all the new leaves grown and green and perfect - so am hoping this is the issue.
            So you are saying I should shade them from the sun? (not that I can remember what the sun looks like!!)

            I guess I can moved them somewhere more shaded easily enough as they are in pots.
            If I removed the scorched leave there will not be many leaves left!

            Thanks for the advice!!


            • #7

              Preferred Growing Conditions

              Of course, cucumbers need lots of sun�full sun, in fact.
              Seems somewhat at odds with scorching.


              • #8
                Are they growing in a greenhouse or outside Esbo? And whereabouts are you?


                • #9
                  I'm growing outside in Nottingham.
                  Anyhow I am not too sure what scorching is or what is meant by it but I gave them a feed with some
                  tomato fertiliser to see if that helps, also some magnesium just cos I had some handy.

                  I found this picture for potassium deficiency.

                  Not sure if it is that, trouble is a lot of different problems look fairly similar.
                  Last edited by esbo; 06-08-2012, 09:57 PM.


                  • #10
                    looks to me like scorch,that happenswhen you water leaving wet on the leavesout comes sun,and burns them,as the water acts like a magnefying glass,plus as the lower leaves get older they gradually go brown and fall off,i usually cut them of,as long as the new leaves are green,and producing cue's,nothing to worry about,also cold wind can burn leaves,my bet is you got a combination of both,if you could give it a little protection it would help,as in fleece,clear plastic cloch,even macle yourself something out of polythene,just a fence like structure would give some as well,made out of sticks and the above,not a wooden one lol,
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • #11
                      Ironically my (one and only) cucumber plant is the same which is in the greenhouse.

                      I've just had more or less the same thing with my tomato plants but I put it down to condensation in the GH. I leave the door & window open just a bit now & the cause has gone now. Also I chopped a load of leaves so the air could circulate.

                      I only took the really yellow leaves off the cucumber & left the rest, but as you say Esbo, the fruits are fine

                      My favourite animal is steak...

                      Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.


                      • #12
                        Well maybe I can stick then in a cloche or under some plastic structure I made.
                        I seem to remember it started when they were still indoors though.
                        I wish I had taken more pictures so I could go back and check, I must take more pics in future
                        they don't cost anything to take on a digital camera (mobile phone)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by esbo View Post
                          I am not too sure what scorching is
                          It's exactly what happens to you when you get sunburnt: the skin (leaves) go crispy and brown
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #14
                            The weather we have had in Nottingham recently I am surprised they are not in a worse state.

                            Are they an outdoor vareity? Market More maybe?

                            Cumbers have big leaves and that could be some form of wind damage.

                            Potty by name Potty by nature.

                            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                            Aesop 620BC-560BC



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
                              The weather we have had in Nottingham recently I am surprised they are not in a worse state.

                              Are they an outdoor vareity? Market More maybe?

                              Cumbers have big leaves and that could be some form of wind damage.

                              Well there was some damage when I looked today a piece with a tiny little cucumber snapped
                              and is hanging off. Also we just had a real downpour for rain which knocked all the brown
                              bits off, initially I thought they had improved but I think they just looked greener because
                              the brown bits were blasted way.

                              I don't know if it has been that windy though most of my other stuff seems to be fine, but
                              I guess those big leaves could catch a gust. I have bolted lettuse, one 27 inch high standing bolt upright
                              (I did have to prop one up).

                              And yes they are market more.

                              I could maybe cover them and a few other plants I have as I have a cloche I am not using
                              perhaps it is time to use it!!


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