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Rubbish Radish


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  • Rubbish Radish

    Hi all,

    I have just dug up my radish to find that something seems to have gone a bit wrong. They don�t seem to have a �root� per say rather, the stalk that was sitting above ground seems to be the bit that should have swelled to become the radish!

    I vaguely remember digging up some of my Grandmas radishes when I was small (I wasn�t a fan of the peppery taste in those days!) so when I noticed that the stalks were red / purple a few weeks ago I didn�t really think about it but it seems that the radish was above ground. Im now very confused! What went wrong and how did I manage to get radishes to grow above ground (Im guessing this isn�t normal for �French breakfast� and �globe� varieties?!) They were grown in a fairly deep pod (they had more than enough room!) were well spaced (at least an inch or 2 apart) but they have been there for about 2- 3 months! (I didn�t read up about harvesting them until today as they always looked a bit small). Any thoughts on what has happened to stop it from happening again would be greatly appreciated


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  • #2
    were they grown in fresh compost ??? some veggies like older soil as fresh stuff too rich ???? just a thought mine normally get nobbled by slugs so not had the chance of a harvest yet


    • #3
      I believe they are supposed to grow at/above ground like onions and beetroot - random picture from google - radish

      As for why they didn't bulb - my more crowded ones didn't swell but my less crowded ones seemed to bulb better. Beyond that, not sure!
      Proud member of the Nutters Club.
      Life goal: become Barbara Good.


      • #4
        I've had a mixed response from my radishes this year... Some have done well and have tasted great... Some haven't had any bulbs at all but they have all had lot's of greenery. Until you pull them it's been difficult to tell from my experiences this year.

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        • #5
          French breakfast grow the root half in half out of the soil/compost. Its not unusual to have a odd few that dont swell properly but to have the lot grow like that I think you may have a problem.

          Were they to crowded, have you kept the compost moist at all times and I have to say your compost looks, erm not very good, looks to have a very poor texture.

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          • #6
            I often get this with French breakfast and so grow scarlet globe in preference.
            I now space to 3 inch (16per square foot) as a 4x4 grid and they seem to grow better.
            The variable weather this year doesn't help. My reddy spinach and rocket has grown similar to your radish whilst I've been away for three weeks.


            • #7
     Radishes came to nought !!!!!
              Quite disappointed as I was led to believe they are easy to grow!!!!!
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              • #8
                sit is a shame you all have had radish problems.
                mine were brilliant long white 6-8 inches each 2 in in diameter
                guess it all depends on variety you grew.
                i grew daikon radish


                • #9
                  I grew some of those short stubby ones last season. They were close together, far, far to close, but they still seemed to come up. We put the whole packet in, and I don't believe one failed. Then we discovered we're not actually THAT fond of radish! Left too long they got a space in the middle and very stringy. This year we're going for tiny round ones, and will not put the whole packet in. I think it's just the weather and the type of radish myself.

                  Oh and should add that they started in the soil, but as they grew bigger they pushed themselves up out of it. So that only the tips were still covered.
                  Last edited by Feral007; 22-09-2012, 11:46 PM.

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                  • #10
                    Perhaps you have dug them up too soon? If the garden/bed is shaded, it may take longer for them to bulb up....


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