I am a bit busy, so I don't have much time to type everything up again, so here are a few posts from my blog!
What more could I ask for?
I met the allotment secretary at the allotments today at precisely 5.15pm!
I was so excited, I didn't think I would be as excited as I was!
Well this is the view of the site from the gate, you can see my plot already!
Here's mine from the far side! It's 22ftx65ft, it's quite big really. The previous owners took over a few months back, but gave in really quickly. They had started to do something, one bed is perfectly dug, it just needs a few little weeds taking out. I have a huge apple tree in the middle!
I am now also the proud owner of this stunning greenhouse! There are several panes of glass that are smashed, but the previous owner has bought a new door and new panes off glass, and they have just been left on the site! So my Dad is going to set it up for me! I will keep tomatoes, melons, chillis and cucumbers in here!
The two pictures above are the ones either side of mine, they are complete contrasts really, the one is dedicated to fruit and veg, whereas the other is very much a wildilife and pleasure garden, it has a really cute pond, and some lovely plants, it looks stunning!
Well back on my plot, there was work to be done, I spent 3 hours digging a bed next to my greenhouse! Below is a picture, see how rich the soil looks!
Stupidly, I didn't take a "Before" photo, so instead I took a picture of the composter, which is now 1/4 full of weeds, where 3 hours ago it was empty!
I mentioned a well dug bed earlier, that had just simply grown weeds, well I set Sean to work with some of those...
Another great thing about the plot is that there is akready a strawverry bed, with loads of flowering plants! There are plenty to last us the summer, there are 2 further small apple trees here.
Well that's a quick tour, moor soon!
I love my allotment!
I've been practically spending all my spare time up there! If it wasn't for the night skies and the hammering rain, then I'd still be up there now!
Well a lot has been done since last time, the whole plot has been dug over and de-weeded, I had finished that on Sunday, and I called in my Dad at the last moment to give me a hand, because my Grandad wanted things being planted by Tuesday.
Here are some photos of my full dug over plot!
The one on the left is the view from the front corner of the plot, near to the greenhouse. The one on the right is a view from the back!
Well that is many hard hours of labour! It's so rewarding.
Well as the ground has been dug over then why not make some veg and fruit beds!
Friendly Farm 061
This is the strawberry bed (de-weeded now) that I inherited.
Friendly Farm 064
This is the start of the Pumpkin and Squash family bed, so far there are 6 courgette plants, and 3 pumpkin plants. However, in the greenhouse are 6 more potted pumpkin seeds, 4 butternut squash and several marrow! Hopefully they'll germinate and will be a slightly later harvest than the ones already in!
Well, I don't have any pictures because the light was bad. But this evening I planted, 3 rows of onions, 2 rows of potatoes, 2 rows of carrots, 1 row of beetroot, 1.5 rows of cabbage. I was about to plant the cauliflower but the rain started to come down!
Anyway, more pictures when I have them!

What more could I ask for?
I met the allotment secretary at the allotments today at precisely 5.15pm!
I was so excited, I didn't think I would be as excited as I was!
Well this is the view of the site from the gate, you can see my plot already!
Here's mine from the far side! It's 22ftx65ft, it's quite big really. The previous owners took over a few months back, but gave in really quickly. They had started to do something, one bed is perfectly dug, it just needs a few little weeds taking out. I have a huge apple tree in the middle!
I am now also the proud owner of this stunning greenhouse! There are several panes of glass that are smashed, but the previous owner has bought a new door and new panes off glass, and they have just been left on the site! So my Dad is going to set it up for me! I will keep tomatoes, melons, chillis and cucumbers in here!
The two pictures above are the ones either side of mine, they are complete contrasts really, the one is dedicated to fruit and veg, whereas the other is very much a wildilife and pleasure garden, it has a really cute pond, and some lovely plants, it looks stunning!
Well back on my plot, there was work to be done, I spent 3 hours digging a bed next to my greenhouse! Below is a picture, see how rich the soil looks!
Stupidly, I didn't take a "Before" photo, so instead I took a picture of the composter, which is now 1/4 full of weeds, where 3 hours ago it was empty!
I mentioned a well dug bed earlier, that had just simply grown weeds, well I set Sean to work with some of those...
Another great thing about the plot is that there is akready a strawverry bed, with loads of flowering plants! There are plenty to last us the summer, there are 2 further small apple trees here.
Well that's a quick tour, moor soon!
I love my allotment!
I've been practically spending all my spare time up there! If it wasn't for the night skies and the hammering rain, then I'd still be up there now!
Well a lot has been done since last time, the whole plot has been dug over and de-weeded, I had finished that on Sunday, and I called in my Dad at the last moment to give me a hand, because my Grandad wanted things being planted by Tuesday.
Here are some photos of my full dug over plot!
The one on the left is the view from the front corner of the plot, near to the greenhouse. The one on the right is a view from the back!
Well that is many hard hours of labour! It's so rewarding.
Well as the ground has been dug over then why not make some veg and fruit beds!
Friendly Farm 061
This is the strawberry bed (de-weeded now) that I inherited.
Friendly Farm 064
This is the start of the Pumpkin and Squash family bed, so far there are 6 courgette plants, and 3 pumpkin plants. However, in the greenhouse are 6 more potted pumpkin seeds, 4 butternut squash and several marrow! Hopefully they'll germinate and will be a slightly later harvest than the ones already in!

Well, I don't have any pictures because the light was bad. But this evening I planted, 3 rows of onions, 2 rows of potatoes, 2 rows of carrots, 1 row of beetroot, 1.5 rows of cabbage. I was about to plant the cauliflower but the rain started to come down!
Anyway, more pictures when I have them!
