It's just past 8am as I write this on a bright, warm and sunny 25th May. It's a lovely morning here in The People's Republic of Yorkshire, and it looks a full day in the garden!
So much to do today: So much planting out, so much teasing, tweaking and nurturing to give each plant the by best advantage, and lots of confidence to be wrought back after weeks and weeks of disappointment and delay. Many of you are going to be doing exactly the same, so a happy, positive day to one and all, and let's some of us report back a little later on and see how we all went on. Or now, though, it's out into the veg plot we now go!

So much to do today: So much planting out, so much teasing, tweaking and nurturing to give each plant the by best advantage, and lots of confidence to be wrought back after weeks and weeks of disappointment and delay. Many of you are going to be doing exactly the same, so a happy, positive day to one and all, and let's some of us report back a little later on and see how we all went on. Or now, though, it's out into the veg plot we now go!
