Why cant I use the space I have wisely?, why do I feel the need to cram as much as I possibly can into my 10ft x 25ft garden!!
The thrill of having a greenhouse this year (even a blowaway one) means that it is now all jungly inside with tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, peppers and basil. The corner that just had bags of potatoes last year has expanded with tubs of blueberries, chard and courgettes. More wall troughs had to go up to house all the extra strawberries (regular and alpine).
And to top it all off I needed another set of greenhouse shelving...not to go in the greenhouse but to put againest the fence coz I can then fit all my salad crops and module sowings in a smaller space!
I have filled every available space, shelf, basket and tub with edibles, shrubs and pretty flowers.....why am I still looking around to see what else I could fit in??LOL

The thrill of having a greenhouse this year (even a blowaway one) means that it is now all jungly inside with tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, peppers and basil. The corner that just had bags of potatoes last year has expanded with tubs of blueberries, chard and courgettes. More wall troughs had to go up to house all the extra strawberries (regular and alpine).
And to top it all off I needed another set of greenhouse shelving...not to go in the greenhouse but to put againest the fence coz I can then fit all my salad crops and module sowings in a smaller space!

I have filled every available space, shelf, basket and tub with edibles, shrubs and pretty flowers.....why am I still looking around to see what else I could fit in??LOL
