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Are ponds allowed on allotment sites?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Samuel1988 View Post

    I was wondering (as I do not own the patch but just share half with my neighbour.

    I don't think anyone actually owns their plot and there is nothing to stop you helping your neighbour. What he can't do is ask you for half the rent, as that is subletting.


    • #17
      I guess it depends on how relaxed the committee are.

      Our agreement doesn't allow sub-letting either, but it hasn't stopped the couple on the plot next to mine letting one of their friends have a quarter of it for a small fee. They said they'd told the committee who had said it's okay.

      One of the many bits of our tenancy agreement that everybody ignores, like the one on sheds and the one on compost heaps.

      I think I would just carry on unless someone complains. Nobody is likely to mind a friendly neighbour who helps keep things under control and keeps the weeds from seeding over everyone else's plot.
      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


      • #18
        Don't give up what you are doing Samuel, your helping out and your not doing any harm.

        You may find that the gentleman your sharing with may decide its too much and you may get the opportunity to take on the plot.
        The Masons...AKA...Layla & Mark.

        Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.......


        • #19
          Originally posted by Martin H View Post
          just carry on unless someone complains.
          Absolutely, keep helping him out, but just be aware that you have no "right" to be there, so you may be asked to leave, and your neighbour probably cannot pass the plot on to you: you have to go on the waiting list with everyone else, so make sure your name is down.

          It will do you good if you look keen & able. When a plot becomes available, you may find yourself leapfrogging up the list if the committee can see how keen you are.

          You can certainly ask for a half plot too. I think our site should offer them: a whole one is just too much for working people.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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