A couple of fellow members might remember that I made a batch of Nettle Tea about three months ago, but the fact is that I never, ever used it, and it's still just sitting in the tub and smelling (Oh, how it smells!) of concentrated diarrhea or something akin to that...
On daring to having another look at it this morning I noticed that a scary looking grey film has formed across the surface of the liquid, and the whole thing now sits menacingly in the tub with the kind of malevolent bearing that suggests a couple of teaspoonfuls of it could either fertilize the whole of the UK or wipe out three quarters of Europe if applied. The question, though, is which of these is closest to the truth? Should I simply go ahead and use it, or should I call in the MoD and hand it over to them? Any learned insights, anyone please?...
On daring to having another look at it this morning I noticed that a scary looking grey film has formed across the surface of the liquid, and the whole thing now sits menacingly in the tub with the kind of malevolent bearing that suggests a couple of teaspoonfuls of it could either fertilize the whole of the UK or wipe out three quarters of Europe if applied. The question, though, is which of these is closest to the truth? Should I simply go ahead and use it, or should I call in the MoD and hand it over to them? Any learned insights, anyone please?...
