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Weeds and seedlings - telling the difference!


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  • Weeds and seedlings - telling the difference!


    I'm pretty new to this and wondered if anyone could explain how I tell the difference between seedlings coming up and weeds? It's fine for things coming up in rows but I sowed my sorrel and ox eye daisies in a clump and now I can't tell what I should be pulling up!

  • #2
    Hi Jules I aways wait untill they have past the seedling stage, then you should be able to tell by the shape of the leaves


    • #3
      You could sow a couple off seeds into a pot and leave them at the row ends, that what I do when sowing something Ihave never grown before


      • #4
        Hello Jules and welcome to the Vine. I'm all too familiar with all the different weeds and can recognise them no probs. But that's good advice from TEB there. I would go with that one.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          After a few years, as Alice says, you will get to know (all too well!) your plot's usual weeds. The first true leaves on your veg should resemble the picture on the packet so hang fire a bit if you're not sure.
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            What I have done with the parsnip is just put a spot of compost over where i planted it that way you have a better ider as to where you have planted and
            its easyer to spot the weeds

            if the seeds are small you can just put a row of compost where the seeds are
            then when they get bigger you can tell
            Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


            • #7
              Hello Jules, and welcome to the Vine!
              I like TEB's idea- good one!
              But that won't help you now will it?? If in doubt leave them until bigger- I made the mistake of weeding out all my rudbeckia's the first time I grew them!!
              Just take out the ones you know are weeds-ie is there a patch of soil nearby you can compare with what you are weeding out??
              I always grow my flower seeds in a tray now and then plant on!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                Thanks very much everyone - it's always nice to be told not to worry about it yet! I'll wait till everything gets a bit bigger, then probably discover that they were all weeds and nothing came up!


                • #9
                  and when is something past the seedling stage? if you could tell by leaf count that would be great,but if you go by height OH will haveto tell me,the other day my 6in was 1in lol


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TEB View Post
                    You could sow a couple off seeds into a pot and leave them at the row ends, that what I do when sowing something Ihave never grown before
                    What a great Top Tip - thank you TEB!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Stacey View Post
                      and when is something past the seedling stage? if you could tell by leaf count that would be great,but if you go by height OH will haveto tell me,the other day my 6in was 1in lol

                      I'll be nice and go for the polite reply!

                      Generally the first two leaves are seed leaves, after that the plant developes true leaves, therefore if you don't know what you are looking at wait until there are four or five true leaves, you should then be able to compare with the seed pack or use a plant spotter guide to identify what you have.

                      Oh yes, buy a measuring stick - just be careful how you use it!
                      Last edited by TPeers; 24-05-2007, 08:54 PM.
                      The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


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