Despite my blight anxieties I have had a bountiful crop of spuds which continues. Sadly my OH opened a drawer today and said" if I had know it was going to be a success I wouldn't have bought these" revealing a large bag of supermarket spuds which she then put out for compost. This I found rather upsetting as it seems to have defeated the object of the exercise really. I have fished them out of the bin as they have sprouted beautifully and I have planted them in empty spaces around the garden. Is there any chance I can still get a harvest off them before it gets cold and does anyone have any advice? here's hoping for an indian summer.
Similarly my French beans are coming on strong now however we have just bought a large bag of beans from the supermarket for two pounds which is probably a lot more than i will harvest.
I have no doubt that my harvest is fresher, tastes better and is organic but the supermarket is hard to compete with despite rising prices. Nevertheless I have loved growing veg this year and have learnt a huge amount about natural relationships. especially between brassicas and white butterflies! - all help welcome
Similarly my French beans are coming on strong now however we have just bought a large bag of beans from the supermarket for two pounds which is probably a lot more than i will harvest.
I have no doubt that my harvest is fresher, tastes better and is organic but the supermarket is hard to compete with despite rising prices. Nevertheless I have loved growing veg this year and have learnt a huge amount about natural relationships. especially between brassicas and white butterflies! - all help welcome
