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Woven weed suppressant covers - do they work?


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  • Woven weed suppressant covers - do they work?

    Afternoon all,

    Finally taken on my own plot and am about to start clearing away the weeds.

    After cutting them all back I am going to try to cover the growing areas with something that will suppress the weeds and as I go along I will only uncover the area when I start working on it which should make it more manageable.

    The plot is 250 square metres.

    I was just wondering if anyone has bought those woven weed suppressant covers and if they work/what did you buy and use to block out the sun to weaken large areas of weeds on your plot?

    Thanks for your time,


  • #2
    Hi Samuel,
    I have weed suppressant 'Terram' all over my garden. I just build my raised beds on top of it. To get the best results put down a heavy mulch like wood chipping on top of it.
    Hey farmer farmer put away the D.D.T. Now give me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees please!


    • #3
      Hi Samuel - congratulations on getting your own plot!!
      You should know by now that we're not going to encourage you to put down something that costs money!! Why don't you use cardboard and lay it down on top of the weeds?
      Cardboard mulch is :-
      1. Free
      2. You can cut holes in it and plant through it
      3. Eventually it rots down
      4. You don't have to go to the hassle of lifting it when you want to plant.
      I'm sure there are more reasons but I'm need of a coffee


      • #4
        Originally posted by Samuel1988 View Post
        woven weed suppressant ... if they work ?
        It's been put down under the paths at school's Wildlife Garden, professional job by a prof. gardener (ie, not by me).

        It's coming up through the bark chippings all over the place, showing and looking really scruffy, plus the couch grass and horsetail just pierce it.

        So we now have scruffy black fabric flapping around, covered in horsetail and grass
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          Thanks for the responses.

          May buy some Terram - I would just use cardboard but I don't know where I could get enough off it to cover the plot. Plus I would be waiting a while to save milk bottles to use as weights.

          Its not going to be a permanent cover, just a 'I'll cover this section up until I have enough time to work on it' sort of approach. I could wet all the newspapers the paper round person couldn't be bother to deliver and wet them and put it underneath the Terram (to stop it drying out and blowing away). This should give me enough time in the battle against the weeds!!


          • #6
            Go to your nearest Halfords or electrical retailer Samuel, and ask them for the boxes the cycles and fridges etc come in. Believe me, they will be glad to give them to you.

            Even Terram will need to be weighted down, and it's expensive.

            You don't absolutely need to save milk bottles, just cover the corners with some soil. Improvise


            • #7
              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              It's been put down under the paths at school's Wildlife Garden, professional job by a prof. gardener (ie, not by me).

              It's coming up through the bark chippings all over the place, showing and looking really scruffy, plus the couch grass and horsetail just pierce it.

              So we now have scruffy black fabric flapping around, covered in horsetail and grass


              • #8
                As I mentioned I use terram and yes it is expensive, but you can get cheaper alternatives. I also shop at professional gardening shops, the places that supply the council and private contractors they give you better deals. Terram can be used again and again, but I'd advise that you contact your local tree surgeon and have him deliver some bark chippings to hold it down. The bark chippings will break down into lovely soil and it contains many beneficial fungi for soil and plant development. I haven't had any trouble with plants growing through it because I strim all plant growth within an inch of its life. Weeds sometimes grow on top of the Terram but I spray these with a mixture of salt, vinegar and a drop of washing up liquid. This forms a powerful weed killer that doesn't damage the health of the soil or your health either. The thing with terram is that you need to maintain it, if you just lay if and forget it, well within 6 months it will be a mess of weeds. Horsetail, Japanese knotweed etc will damage it but then these sort of weeds need to be managed on a regular basis so covering them up will compound the problem I'm afraid to say. If they can't break through they will just pop up somewhere else.
                Hey farmer farmer put away the D.D.T. Now give me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees please!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Samuel1988 View Post
                  Thanks for the responses.

                  May buy some Terram - I would just use cardboard but I don't know where I could get enough off it to cover the plot. Plus I would be waiting a while to save milk bottles to use as weights.

                  Its not going to be a permanent cover, just a 'I'll cover this section up until I have enough time to work on it' sort of approach. I could wet all the newspapers the paper round person couldn't be bother to deliver and wet them and put it underneath the Terram (to stop it drying out and blowing away). This should give me enough time in the battle against the weeds!!
                  Unless you are actually determined to spend money, just use the newspapers. I use cardboard, newspapers, paper that would have been shredded, and just weight down with either soil or the weeds that I've just dug out/chopped down.

                  Actually my new weeding method for large areas is; mow/strim, then cardboard and throw the mowings/strimmings on top. I save my money for things I actually need.

                  Cardboard is easy to get hold of from shops.
                  Last edited by zazen999; 08-08-2013, 08:01 AM.


                  • #10
                    if you go to a garden centre you can buy black "weed control fabric" - the same material is used by upholsters for the underside of settees etc - i have a 100m x 1.5m roll which i've used on most of my veggie patch with plenty left over - i tend to cut holes and plant through - i weigh it down with bricks, never with soil as weeds instantly grow in any soil

                    the fabric lasts a couple of years before it gets tatty - but it really does suppress weeds - gives veggies a fighting chance

                    when i run out of fabric, i'll switch to cardboard


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                      my new weeding method for large areas is; mow/strim, then cardboard and throw the mowings/strimmings on top.
                      It really is that easy, Samuel.

                      Don't make life hard for yourself. If you don't have enough weeds to hold the card down, use a lump of soil.

                      You'll find loads of cardboard boxes, flattened, round the back of any supermarket. All the stock arrives in boxes. The large supers can be a bit Health & Safety about giving it away, so I tend to raid smaller shops, the Co-ops & corner shop type places. Just make sure you leave the area tidy if you're helping yourself.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        I've used weed suppressant fabric this year. It is only my second year growing and i haven't used newspaper or cardboard so can't compare but i do think the stuff i used was brilliant. I haven't really needed to weed at all. Just the odd weed poking up out of the planting holes here and there.

                        I will definitely use it again. I got it off ebay, delivered, enough for at least 3 years worth for about �30 if my memory is correct! I think that's a bargain. It's not overly thick stuff and it's easy to rollout. I tacked it to the sides of my plot and stretched it taught and then weighted it down with the boards i use as walkways.

                        Very happy with it.
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