I write from within the war bunker close to the scene of the latest massive attack on my veg plot! All evening I have been trying to work out how - despite thinking I had all defences secured - some pesky little predators have wreaked havoc inside the ring of steel that I'd assembled in defence of my Pak Choi. This has all happened this weekend whilst I've been away at my girlfriends where we were grimly assessing the damage of similar assaults there (on the veg, I hasten to add, not on me by her or her by me, or anything nasty like that - although I did twang her with a comb for a laugh this morning just to see how she'd react).
The thing is, it's obviously something who's been studying my movements in that they've noted that I go to work every day about 8am, and know that I'm away at the weekend because every singe attack has taken place behind my back during those times. The Pak Choi are in a nylon potato growing bag, and a previous baby slug assault was successfully rebuffed by physically escorting the little blighters well away from the scene of the crime (ie over into my neighbour's garden - Not as 'bad' as it actually sounds; we don't really get on, and it's very highly likely that they came from there originally, so I usually 'repatriate'' things there), and were then afforded maximum protection by a very thick mulching of Slug Gone slug pellets which I thought had sorted the problem out completely.
Unfortunately, this latest attack occurred, and it's obviously something with a particular liking for Pak Choi because they've absolutely devoured it and there are bites out of all the leaves whereby previous sowings have been totally unscathed.
The two big questions are:
1. What could be responsible for the current devastation?
2. What more can I do than what I've tried to do already?
Any help at all would be very gratefully received! I so want to grow some more before it's too late for this year, and I really want to be sure they'll be OK...
The thing is, it's obviously something who's been studying my movements in that they've noted that I go to work every day about 8am, and know that I'm away at the weekend because every singe attack has taken place behind my back during those times. The Pak Choi are in a nylon potato growing bag, and a previous baby slug assault was successfully rebuffed by physically escorting the little blighters well away from the scene of the crime (ie over into my neighbour's garden - Not as 'bad' as it actually sounds; we don't really get on, and it's very highly likely that they came from there originally, so I usually 'repatriate'' things there), and were then afforded maximum protection by a very thick mulching of Slug Gone slug pellets which I thought had sorted the problem out completely.
Unfortunately, this latest attack occurred, and it's obviously something with a particular liking for Pak Choi because they've absolutely devoured it and there are bites out of all the leaves whereby previous sowings have been totally unscathed.
The two big questions are:
1. What could be responsible for the current devastation?
2. What more can I do than what I've tried to do already?
Any help at all would be very gratefully received! I so want to grow some more before it's too late for this year, and I really want to be sure they'll be OK...
