Hi everyone, just thought I'd introduce myself as I'm new to this site and to gardening in any shape or form!! I have constructed myself a small raised bed in the garden - loads of space for more but I thought I'd see how successful this year is before digging up the whole lawn! I also have a beautiful rhubard and 2 apple trees from the previous owner of the house which I made lovely crumbles from last autumn.
I planted my first seeds about 10 days ago in a propogator and already have little savoy cabbage seedlings - they were a bit leggy so after reading some of the advice on this (very helpful) site I have repotted them into bigger pots and put the compost level almost up to the leaves. Other than that they seem pretty healthy and vigorous! I also have a few cauliflower seedlings starting to show although no sign yet from the others I planted (leek, coriander, sweet pepper). I think I may have made the compost too wet in the cells, is this likely to be a big problem?
I've already picked up loads of useful tips from the forum and I'm sure you'll have lots of questions and disasters from me over the next few months! Wish me luck...
Amy XX
I planted my first seeds about 10 days ago in a propogator and already have little savoy cabbage seedlings - they were a bit leggy so after reading some of the advice on this (very helpful) site I have repotted them into bigger pots and put the compost level almost up to the leaves. Other than that they seem pretty healthy and vigorous! I also have a few cauliflower seedlings starting to show although no sign yet from the others I planted (leek, coriander, sweet pepper). I think I may have made the compost too wet in the cells, is this likely to be a big problem?
I've already picked up loads of useful tips from the forum and I'm sure you'll have lots of questions and disasters from me over the next few months! Wish me luck...
Amy XX
