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Bare root fruit trees & bushes - any good places to order them online?


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  • #16
    I've tried quite a few specialist fruit tree nurseries over the years and the ones that have always sent the varieties I've ordered include Blackmoors, Walcots Organic nursery and Ashridge. Ones that have repeatedly included mislabelled varieties in my orders (not discovered until they fruit three years later) include Deacons and Chris Bowers & Son. You might think that mislabelling isn't a problem and one should just put up with it, but if you've limited space and set your heart on a particular variety then it's a a bit of a pain.
    I was talking to a small nursery after Storm Jude a few weeks ago and they told me that most of their tree variety labels had been blown off, causing them no end of bother. So this year could be a vintage one for 'randoms'
    Last edited by boundtothesoil; 19-12-2013, 09:01 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
      Aldi or Lidl, just wait until they come in stock again (in the meantime, sign up to their newsletter)
      Thanks for that idea, have now signed up.


      • #18
        Our fruit trees came from B&Q. It was earlier in the year when they were on 3 for 2 but because I'd joined their B&Q club, I also got 20% off so I ended up with 9 trees for less than �50. Two of the apple trees even managed an apple each.
        Proud renter of 4.6 acres of field in Norfolk. Living the dream.

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        • #19
          Just an update on (and anther dissatisfied customer of) Garden Bargains (now known as Lead The Good Life).

          The plants I ordered early December, hoping to get them in the ground before Christmas whilst dormant.

          2 weeks later no plants, so I called and they couldn't find my order ! I had to send them proof that I had paid as they claimed to not have received it.

          Lots of tooing and froing followed until they agreed to refund me for the payment I had made but I would need to pay again for the tree's to get delivery before Chirstmas (was going away for two weeks Boxing Day so didn't want them to arrive then or plant them mid January.

          Got them two days before Christmas having waited in two days for the driver !

          Planted them, they looked ok on arrival and have waited patiently for them to come into leaf.

          all bar one have done so, with a couple not looking the greatest but I can salvage them I am sure with some pruning. One is completely dead.

          Called them and htey said 2dont worry there is a years guarantee we will send another.

          Called a wee klater as not seen it - they said they needed me to pay for postage and handling. Was dissapointed at this as if they hadnt sent a faulty item in the first place there would be no need to. They wanted �9.99 which I felt was a bit much. So I checked their website and to by the same tree right now its �6.99 with �4.99 postage.

          I called them back and puled them over this - they said it was in their terms and conditions.

          I demanded someone explain why their usual postage is �4.99 but their charge for them to replace a faulty item is twice that. which just so happens to be the same cost for ordering the product again including their usual delivery. JOKE !!!

          To date no manage has the balls to call me back and their twitter account is a load of tosh.



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