I can fully understand fellow allotmenteers who unfortunately may suffer from ill health and struggle with the physical side of gardening, And for them is good there are alternative methods where they can still gain some results. Its a shame that there nieghbours cant offer to help out with a bit of digging.
But i am amazed by the humourous comments by others to try and justify a no dig, no weeding, no effort way of gardening. I heard RAIN is bad for soil lol, Cardboard keeps worms warm ha ha (thats my favourite) Digging is bad for your back, Well yes if your unfit, obese or go out it at a bull at a gate lol.
I just find cardboard blowing around the site, Dirty carpets draped over vast areas turning the soil sour with chemicals, Old pallets scattered around an incredibly anti social eyesore. So why not use 2014 to get yourself fit, Alittle at a time, Improve your health, Sweeten the soil with rain that can penetrate and air to let roots breath, and spend the summer looking at beautiful green crops rather than a a skip full of rubbish scattered around. And help each other. Ha ha, As if thats likely all to happen
But i am amazed by the humourous comments by others to try and justify a no dig, no weeding, no effort way of gardening. I heard RAIN is bad for soil lol, Cardboard keeps worms warm ha ha (thats my favourite) Digging is bad for your back, Well yes if your unfit, obese or go out it at a bull at a gate lol.
I just find cardboard blowing around the site, Dirty carpets draped over vast areas turning the soil sour with chemicals, Old pallets scattered around an incredibly anti social eyesore. So why not use 2014 to get yourself fit, Alittle at a time, Improve your health, Sweeten the soil with rain that can penetrate and air to let roots breath, and spend the summer looking at beautiful green crops rather than a a skip full of rubbish scattered around. And help each other. Ha ha, As if thats likely all to happen
