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Argh, is this game over for my seedlings?


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  • #16
    They look fine.

    I'm sure they wont have done much growing and do it too often and they'll complain. But when water gets to 3-4C it starts to expand which is why when it gets frosted it bursts cells when it expands. But they'd have drooped as the cell structure would be damaged...

    Not sure I'd bother putting them out during the day though as I'd be waiting till just before I could safely leave them out over night to start hardening off...


    • #17
      Originally posted by polc1410 View Post
      They look fine.

      I'm sure they wont have done much growing and do it too often and they'll complain. But when water gets to 3-4C it starts to expand which is why when it gets frosted it bursts cells when it expands. But they'd have drooped as the cell structure would be damaged...

      Not sure I'd bother putting them out during the day though as I'd be waiting till just before I could safely leave them out over night to start hardening off...
      It's so warm and lovely here outside though and they get a lot more light. I'm enjoying it so I'm hoping they are. It was 17c here today outside and. Warmer than inside, I won't be putting them out on grey days though, I have so many trays of seedlings now it just doesn't seem worth it for anything less than blazing sunshine..


      • #18
        Originally posted by rabbit View Post
        It's so warm and lovely here outside though and they get a lot more light
        Warm and light, but I think they will be getting more stressed - even the lightest breeze will cause transpiration stress. I expect that will make the plant grow firmer / strong and leaves will be more "papery" if that makes sense. If the plants were ultimately to go outside I would see that as a good thing, but the Cucumbers I grow for greenhouse grow soft & fast and I am not sure that growing them "harder" would help. Never tried it though!

        If my house didn't get to 17C on a sunny day I'd want to move!
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