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Tattie disaster!


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  • Tattie disaster!

    I went to check my tatties in a grobag weren't too dry tonight and realised that they were all rotting... not just a wee bit. A HUGE mess of rotting folliage right down under the compost to the seed potatoes.

    As I slowly dug the whole thing out is looks like at some point recently the bag may have been knocked over as everything was broken off at a certain level. I think this is why it had then rotted as there was so much rain last week.

    I have 2 tatties the size of cherry toms now and no tatties to look forward too.

    I was wondering if I could start some off now anyway... ina bucket this time as I think it would be less likely to be knocked over. (I had noticed it was in a slightly different position a couple of weeks ago but it just didn't click at the time, I think it must have been the kids playing football)

    I have had a look about for seed potatoes but couldn't see anywhere with any left.

    Help my poor tattieless family....


  • #2
    You're a bit late to plant seed potatoes now. I wouldn't have thought a growbag could be knocked over, but you know kids. Also, a growbag isn't really deep enough for potatoes. You would be better next year to plant in the open ground or in a deep pot.


    • #3
      Oh no sorry.. not a grobag... it was an inside out compost bag.

      Had just popped the baby in her grobag for bed... LOL



      • #4
        What a shame about your potatoes Noidea but you can easily plant more now. As long as you have 13 frost free weeks left, or are prepared to cover them with fleece at the end, you can keep planting earlies. As I said before, you can buy from the supermarket. Just look for a Scottish grower, plenty of Charlotte about which want about 13 weeks growing. I'll be planting for weeks to come. Hope your potatoes work out this time.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          If you plant them in September time in pots they will stand in those for and keep OK for Christmas just keep them frost free
          Never be afraid to try something new.
          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


          • #6

            Alice I have looked everywhere since your comment about the Scottish tatties and I can't find any (rather sad state of affairs really...) We di have a farm that we go to occasionally but my oldest son has had a bit of a bad bone break and we are stuck at home at the moment.

            I am more than willing to keep them frost free and did find some seed pots online tonight and have ordered to have a go....

            Thanks all... will be out sorting buckets now!



            • #7
              Gee whiz, do the supermarkets in Edinburgh have no Scottish potatoes. Disgraceful. My local Asda always has potatoes from Tayside.
              Noidea, hope your son is on the mend.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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