Originally posted by Bex
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1. Plenty of times, over the last few decades, things have been sold & used and only later found to be harmful. That's not to say that there IS a risk, but more that a lot of people prefer to play-safe and not run the risk that things that are put on food are subsequently found to be carcinogenic. Every few years the government bans chemicals that have been in use for decades, when they have subsequently been found to be harmful - Thalidomide, Asbestos, DDT ... and only a month or two ago slug pellets containing Methiocarb were been banned by the EU - that's one of the two main chemicals which have been used in slug pellets (the other being Metaldehyde). You would almost certainly be ill, potentially fatally, if you ATE slug pellets as the fatal dose, for a 70kg human, is around 30g (what's that - a small handful?)
2. Whilst they may not kill us, slug pellets may also be eaten by pets, hedgehogs and the like. Metaldehyde based pellets (the most common, non-organic, ones I think?) are toxic to dogs and cats (although some brands of pellets contain something making them taste bitter, to reduce the risk of pets / children eating them). The pellets are blue because that colour is less attractive to birds ... but birds, hedgehogs, frogs eat the dead slugs with the same consequences