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Am I okay to plant these out now?


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  • Am I okay to plant these out now?

    I know some things (notably squashes and tomatoes) can't go outside til it's reliably at least 10 degs at night, which the 10 day weather forecast isn't showing as being the case any time soon.

    But, I have a few other things that I would really like to get outside, for their sake and mine! I'm going to stick my neck out and bet that the frosts are now gone. I would like to plant out (all young plants/big seedings):

    kohl rabi

    Will they be okay now, or is it slow and certain death just yet?
    Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?

  • #2
    Anyone have any ideas? Thank you.
    Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


    • #3
      Hi. I think your kohlrabi and globe (?) artichokes should be fine, now. Sunflowers I tend to think of in the same way as tomatoes, a bit delicate. Just off to look up melothrie :-)
      Le Sarramea


      • #4
        Sunflowers aren't delicate, they're just fave snacks of snails & slugs.

        Oh, and prone to vandalism by our site's miserable old g�te
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          Thanks for the sunflower info. I'll give them (and the slugs) a firm talking to and add them to my to be planted out list.
          Le Sarramea


          • #6
            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
            Sunflowers aren't delicate, they're just fave snacks of snails & slugs.

            Oh, and prone to vandalism by our site's miserable old g�te
            The fact this person is unfortunate enough to be old hardly needs mentioning does it? Where is your sympathy, empathy and charity. In fact I know miserable people of all ages and vandalism is an activity mostly confined to the younger generation.
            photo album of my garden in my profile


            • #7
              Thanks everyone. Yes, globe artichokes. Thanks for the advice. It's been too wet outside to do anything today but I'll get a few things outside over the weekend, and reclaim a few square inches of windowsill
              Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


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