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Cucumber question


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  • Cucumber question

    Hi all,

    i have some mammoth looking cucumber plants (well they are my 3 year olds but you know.....)

    They are thriving but I have noticed that the babies seem to have stalled a bit. They aren't realy growing at all now.

    they are marketmore but are inside and have at least 10 babies on each plant. They have been flowering well and generally are great otherwise....

    How long does it usually take for them to grow???

    Is there anything else I can do??? I know there has been some debate about taking off the growing tip. i thought maybe if I did that then they would concentrate on the cucs instead of the masses of foliage they are still producing.

    Many thanks


  • #2
    I wish I had your problems Noidea. I think my cucumbers are dying by inches.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      Alice, I wish you were closer as you coudl have several of ours! I no longer know what to do with them!

      Should you happen across our way.... please get in touch!



      • #4
        Thanks Noidea. I'm more or less resigned to no cucs. The Marketmore might make it, but my cucumber lemon looks doomed. They are all outside. I can't think why I didn't keep some in the greenhouse. It must have been that mad weather we had in April. I thought I was in the Med.
        Oh well. There's next year. Hope you're snowed under with cucumber.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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