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Hello, I am a total newcomer...


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  • Hello, I am a total newcomer...

    hey there - I'd love to have a go at growing something but I'm afraid I've never attempted it before! I also have no land (terraced house with a yard, no garden) so I'm a bit stuck. will I be able to grow stuff in containers? my dad and I were gonna build a little 'lean to' greenhouse out of some pallets. is it worth it now? im sure i read somewhere that you could grow spuds in a container in a green house. ANY advice would be great!

    thanks a lot.

  • #2
    Hi bluemidget... welcome to the vine.

    I only have a tiny patch in a shared garden but have managed to get a fair bit on the go this year. You can grow so much in containers though it is a little late for some stuff. You could still get some salad crops and start planning things to overwinter. I have never done that before though, but I am sure someone will come along with lots of useful suggestions!



    • #3
      Hi and welcome to the vine bluemidget.

      There are lots of threads on here about container growing, have a search and I am sure you will get lots of ideas. If you have a garden centre nearby you will be able to buy some plants which are ready to grow on as it is a little late to start from seeds now. You can get hanging basket and outdoor tomato plants which are good fun and you can indeed grow spuds in buckets but again it is a little later for that one now. I am sure some of the more experienced grapes will be along soon and give you more ideas.

      Good luck and have fun experimenting.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        you can do courgettes, tomatoes, peppers etc in pots too - you will probably be able to get some plants at the garden centre still if you're quick - too late to sow toms and peppers but you could probably get away with courgettes.
        good luck!
        smiling is infectious.... updated 28th May 2008


        • #5
          thanks for replying - I thought it'd be a bit late now meself. I blame all those gardening programmes on the beeb - they always make me want to have a go at growing stuff myself


          • #6
            there are a couple of garden centres near me so i could go and get a few bits and experiment i suppose. thanks guys!


            • #7
              Go for it. Don't pay garden centre prices for pots though - visit your local Morrison or Asda supermarkets, Morrison sell off their 'flower buckets' and I have heard that some Asda's give them away. They are great for growing stuff in - just remember to make some drainage holes in the bottom.
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                I'm gonna do just that I think and see what happens - gonna go to the ASDA on me way home!


                • #9
                  Hello and welcome. You could also try your local freecycle. I have seen people giving away anything from seed trays to greenhouses. I got all my pots and cell trays from freecycle.


                  • #10
                    Hi Bluemidget,

                    Welcome to the vine, Don't start - it's a slipper slope, in no time you'll be boring all your friends with your exploits and eventually you'll end up with an allotment ... or if you're a real bad case 2+

                    I can guarentee once you try some home grown you'll never look back, I don't know if it really does tast different or if it's just the mind playing tricks but who cares. It is sooo relaxing as well.

                    As to crops, go to � shop & get big tubs and you can grow

                    Runner beans ( still not too late to plant some for a late crop) either climbing ones ( Polestar is a good one or Painted Lady Red & white flowers) or dwarf runners ( Hestia nice red & white flowers too).

                    Carrots - go for a quick maturing one like Amsterdam Forcing

                    and if you look at the seeds there are some that are sold as mini veg for close spacing like Protovoy Cabbage, Ideal Cauli's etc and these will gro happily in pots.

                    To make it easier for you don't buy soilless compost go for a John Innes No2 or 3 it makes watering a lot easier.

                    As to the mini greenhouse - build it and save a few potatoes from the supermarket ( Charlotte or Maris peer) and grow them in buckets under cover and they will be ready for Christmas dinner!!

                    Have I put you off yet? No...... good your hooked
                    Last edited by nick the grief; 25-06-2007, 08:23 PM.
                    Never be afraid to try something new.
                    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                    • #11
                      Hi bluemidget! Welcome to the Vine! Looking forward to hearing how you get on - I can't give you any more advice than you've already been given. Good luck - go for it! Bernie
                      Bernie aka DDL

                      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                      • #12
                        ......and Woolies are selling all their Mr Fothergills seeds for 60p per packet - I bought peas, cucumber (can't get these b*ggers to germinate!! I will NOT be beaten!), pak choi, spring onion and spinach which will all give me a crop this year.

                        Welcome to the VIne - and as NTG says, it's a bit of an addiction.........

                        .........but a healthy one!


                        • #13
                          Herbs are a really good bet if you're short of space, thyme, rosemary, basil and sage are my favourites. You can buy them as seed packets but better as small plants. Beware of buying supermarket plants and putting them in contaners though, I've had good luck with parsley but basil and coriander are usually grown in such ideal conditions that any time I've tried potting them on, they are wilting and dying within days - so you'd be better off with seed for these two.

                          Dwell simply ~ love richly


                          • #14
                            Hi Bluemidget & welcome. I'd say go for it as you can grow most things in pots & containers in your yard. To start off now I'd go for courgettes, they'll germinate quickly grow like mad & give you courgettes for the rest of the summer, it's really satisfying to be able to eat something you've grown yourself & it'll encourage you to plan everything else for next year. Pots of cut & come again salad leaves will pop up in no time as well & you can add them to your salads.You could even try B&Q to see if they've still got any veg. plants on offer, they had some tomato plants which you might get a crop out of if you stick them in a grow bag now.
                            Into every life a little rain must fall.


                            • #15
                              thanks very much all of you! Nick, thanks very much thats great advice! I'll keep you posted!


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