First day on the allotment:
Strimmed grass and weeds
Covered two beds (didnt turn the soil) with plastic membrane. (dont know if thats a good thing to do?)
Dug a hole in the centre of the allotment as it is boggy, channeled some water from another boggy patch to the left of centre to the central hole. Dont know what me and my dad are trying to achieve by this hole? fill it with stones? channel it somewhere? advice please
Put plastic membrane over a patch of grass where a compost chain can be
don't know whether to put plastic membrane over the whole allotment as its been strimmed and kill everything off or do sections at a time.
Would love some advice to get the ball really rolling.
Strimmed grass and weeds
Covered two beds (didnt turn the soil) with plastic membrane. (dont know if thats a good thing to do?)
Dug a hole in the centre of the allotment as it is boggy, channeled some water from another boggy patch to the left of centre to the central hole. Dont know what me and my dad are trying to achieve by this hole? fill it with stones? channel it somewhere? advice please
Put plastic membrane over a patch of grass where a compost chain can be
don't know whether to put plastic membrane over the whole allotment as its been strimmed and kill everything off or do sections at a time.
Would love some advice to get the ball really rolling.
