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New forummer


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  • New forummer

    Hi all,

    After lurking for a while, thought it best to put pen to paper. After growing a few salad leaves, radish and spring onions in my smallish garden I was thinking of giving the rest of my garden over to some more veg and fruit. In the really longterm I thought about an allotment. After doing a bit of reading I got to learn about huge waiting lists so thought I would put my name down for one. After being shocked by the queues I rang the council and low and behold last vacancy on a site within a couple of miles from my house 7 days later - today I gets the key!

    The site has been run down but seems to be back on its way up. Everyone I have met seems friendly and it is culturally very diverse.

    As seems to be the way there is of course a blog - see below - unashamed plug!

    The whole patch is weeded over some areas more than others. The lesser part i'm digging first and putting in green manure (fenugreek and buckwheat) the areas that need more weeding shall be made into smaller beds and hopefully I may get some seed in. The thread earlier " What can I plant right now" shall be used as the base for this.

    A couple of questions - Does the green manure plan sound Ok?
    2nd - One of the neighbours has dug out rhubarb and big bits of root are lying around. What do I do with this or is it the wrong time?

    oneflewovers blog
    Last edited by oneflewover; 25-07-2007, 12:10 AM. Reason: blog missed
    Oneflewovers Blog

  • #2
    Hello OFO - glad you're not just lurking now!

    Well done on the allotment, and a nice format on the blog!

    I don't know anything about green manure (but glad you've raised it as I'd like to know too!), but with regard to the rhubarb - if there are spare bits going, I'd bung 'em in. After all, they've got two choices, and as you've got none now, you're not going to lose out any, are you?


    • #3
      Welcome to the Vine Oneflewover. Good to have you with us. You were lucky to get your allotment so quickly. Shame that other holders are doing so little with theirs. Good blog you have. Can I make two comments
      1) I don't think it's all about time and money. If you approach it on that basis you may not break even. But do let us know - could be salutory.
      2) I can understand why you don't want to use chemicals - but who knows what has been used before. I would be inclined to use weedkiller etc in the first year to get things underway, then go for chemical free.
      Maybe you could do a small chemical free area this year for the satisfaction.
      Do keep us posted with how it all goes.
      Last edited by Alice; 25-07-2007, 01:05 AM. Reason: Typos

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Welcome to the Vine Oneflewover....

        Bet you weren't counting on getting an allotment so quick!

        You could get some beds ready for onions and garlic and maybe some overwinter brassicas if you're quick.

        Make sure you strim and cover what you're not digging!

        Good luck!


        • #5
          Welcome to the vine Oneflewover,

          Good blog you have there and getting a plot so quickly is great. A lot of the seeds companies are selling plug plants just now, I have just orders 50 brassicas for �10 it would give you a sence of acheivment to see something growing now or what about late potatoes for Christmas you could always cover with fleece if frost is forecast.

          Good luck and let us know how you get on, MAndy


          • #6
            Hi and welcome to the vine Oneflewover. Well done on getting a lottie so quickly! Good luck with it all.
            Happy Gardening,


            • #7
              Hi Oneflewover - well done with the lottie. I've been waiting for over two years now, and am finally at the top of the list. I'll be very interested to see how yours progresses, might give me a few pointers IF I'm lucky next year! Good luck with it!
              Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


              • #8

                Nice blog - I'm looking forward to seeing your plot develop so please remember to take lots of photos! I didn't bother last year when I got my lottie and I really regret it now.
                You are a child of the universe,
                no less than the trees and the stars;
                you have a right to be here.

                Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                blog: and my (basic!) page:


                • #9
                  Hi all,

                  Thanks for you welcome.

                  @ OWG - If it was possible to get a dry day i would get to the hirer shop for the strimmer. It really does need doing especially on the approach paths.

                  @Alice - It is a fair point, not knowing what has been put on the land before I took over, with the bit of a battle I had today with the weeds, overnight and morning rain made them cling to life with extra gusto.

                  @Mandy - good idea with the plugs, but we (the family) are away next week so mail order is a bit untimely.

                  Thanks again.
                  Oneflewovers Blog


                  • #10
                    On my plot which is rectangular, I have set up a rectangular bed system with paths around each.

                    If I was in your shoes, rather than stick with tradition, and because its a triangular plot, I would go with triangular beds and paths.
                    I would rejoice that I had a plot of land that was 'a little bit different' from the norm!

                    Anyway, welcome to the vine, enjoy your lottie and I look forward to seeing and reading about your progress!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by oneflewover View Post
                      Hi all,

                      Thanks for you welcome.

                      @ OWG - If it was possible to get a dry day i would get to the hirer shop for the strimmer. It really does need doing especially on the approach paths.

                      @Alice - It is a fair point, not knowing what has been put on the land before I took over, with the bit of a battle I had today with the weeds, overnight and morning rain made them cling to life with extra gusto.

                      @Mandy - good idea with the plugs, but we (the family) are away next week so mail order is a bit untimely.

                      Thanks again.
                      Hi Oneflewover,

                      I ordered my plugs from they are being sent out early september if that helps?



                      • #12
                        Welcome OFO, when you cant go to plot, next best thing is to lurk around here!
                        It's great to have you with us. good luck on the plot.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mandyballantyne View Post
                          Hi Oneflewover,

                          I ordered my plugs from they are being sent out early september if that helps?

                          Thanks for the link. Do posted plants survive Ok?
                          Oneflewovers Blog


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