hi everyone,had my lotty for a week now a complete jungle, grass waist high hadn't been touched for years.After chatting to some of the lovely people here they could not wait to help me,got it strimmed for me so I coud put the weedkiller down can't wait to get going on the plot.I would welcome any ideas you may have
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New lotty
Hello and welcome to the 'mad house' its nice in here!!!!!
Good luck with your new plot.
Get a seat to sit on! most important just to rest, contemplate and enjoy!
Grow what you eat and eat what you grow.
Keep notes..... ie how many courgette plants will feed you and not flood you!
HAVE FUN!!!! most important of all.
thanks for making me welcome,I already live in a mad house so it will be nothing new.other half is making me a shed and bench so I can enjoy doing a bit of work and a lot of skiving!!! very friendly people here came home with armfuls of fruit & veg last night hope one day I can return the favour
Of course we're friendly! We all started out as beginners - and even those who've been gardening for donkeys' years still need to ask questions. Even in this rotten year my veg production has been better than usual because of all the timely advice.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Hello BB welcome to the vine I am pleased to see you have acquired a allottment even though it was overgrown. May I make one suggestion dig ASAP, certain roots(eg cooch grass) are not killed off by weed killer(roots can go down quite some way)and digging is the only real optionfor removal, Only a small piece or root can result in it starting to grow back.
ish you he best of luck in your new venture.
BubblewrapThe river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
Brian Clough
hi ya!
everyone's new at sometime , this is my first year as well and what a year to start .
good luck and a warm welcome---) CARL (----
a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!
now in blog form !
UPDATED 15/4/09
So glad I'm not the only one.
Scarey55 and I moved to the middle of France just over a year ago, into a house with just under an acre of very fertile land (judging by how quickly the weeds grow). We have created a small orchard with about a dozen fruit trees and bushes and allocated a separate area of about 180 square metres for veggies, which Scarey has been working on this year. For next year we shall be setting aside a total of 720 square metres in two plots - Scarey's will be expanded to 220 square metres leaving me with a 500 square metre plot. My plot is a mix of grass and molehills.
Believe me when I say I shall be looking for help and advice. Any criticism I need I shall get from Scarey!
Please try to be gentle with me. The enormity of the task before me has not yet sunk in.
Hello Hazel.
What a very interesting question! That is what I am thinking about right now - trying to plan something. There will be no squashes.
The area is on a gentle SSW facing slope, bounded by some soggy land at the top and a tree line (including a very large old oak) at the bottom. Before we cleared it last year almost the whole area was chest high in nettles.
I shqll scan the books that Scarey has collected over the years to select things that like dappled shade and the level of moisture we can provide, and that we are likely to eat. 'Tis early days yet, although I suppose I need to start preparing the area soon.
On another positive note - it will be 500 sq m less grass to cut.
Welcome to the grapevine, Scared. I HATE cutting grass! Grow the things you like to eat and then you'll be good to them.
PS - according to Terry Pratchett, the world belongs to those who say, 'That's MY glass? I don't think so. Mine was larger. AND it was full!'Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
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