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When to start sowing seeds indoors?


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  • When to start sowing seeds indoors?

    Hi Folks,

    Greenhouse is now up and glazed! - Once I've got some staging in I will take a few pictures for the greenhouse thread.

    I have a question though, and I appreciate the answer is highly variable on veg type, weather conditions etc, but when should I be starting to think about sowing seeds in the greenhouse that will ultimately end up outside?

    My beds still need a weeding and a fresh digging over (I dug the beds last March when we moved into the house, but never got any crop in last years as other DIY projects took priority), so the rain has had a good go at the exposed earth over the last few months, but the weeds do need to be dug out/killed off.

    My view is to get this sorted the 2nd week of March when I return from a business trip to New York, but I fear it will be while before i can get anything in the ground, especially if I have to spray the weeds which is likely.

    On the topic of spraying, I'm being advised it's not worth doing until the weeds are actually growing rather than dormant?

    Any thoughts or suggestions? - I guess it's just a matter of timing?

  • #2
    I don't spray - but yes there's essentially no point in doing it until the weeds come out of dormancy.

    I my unheated GH I've recently sowed lettuce in tray s- which have now sprouted. I have some leeks to sow (must get round to that) and I'd usually be sowing some onion seed about now. I think sprouts can be sown in GH from about now too - only eat 3 at Christmas so not really my area

    Things like toms, chillis, cukes need more warmth than an unheated GH in the UK can give at present so hold off on those - or sow indoors in a propagator / south facing windowsill etc.
    1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


    • #3
      Save yourself some work, cover the beds in black plastic & plant through the plastic if not using pots.
      sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


      • #4
        Cover the beds with 4"of well rotted manure over cardboard, if possible. If not, as BM says.
        As for sowing seed, it is not a race, March is plenty early enough-even April-they will soon catch up.
        Feed the soil, not the plants.
        (helps if you have cluckies)

        Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


        • #5
          I agree with @fishpond, get a load of brown cardboard boxes and lay them over the beds. Cover with absolutely anything organic like wood chip, compost, farmyard manure etc. and leave it.

          When you have your greenhouse raised plants in a couple of months just poke a hole through the mulch and plant away. The weeds will die from lack of light and the soil will be healthy, full of worms and ready to grow. try to avoid excessive walking on the soil, use a plank if you must to spread the weight.


          • #6

            Thank you all for the replies so far.

            If I get some time next weekend I shall dig out what I can and source some cardboard/manure and try and leave everything covered over until end of march.

            I do actually have a heater wired into the GH, but to earlier posters point, if I leave this out of the equation for now it will slow the growth of any seeds i do sow in the GH in line with when soil and conditiond outside are suitable.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ryanlmharris84 View Post
              Thank you all for the replies so far.

              If I get some time next weekend I shall dig out what I can and source some cardboard/manure and try and leave everything covered over until end of march.

              I do actually have a heater wired into the GH, but to earlier posters point, if I leave this out of the equation for now it will slow the growth of any seeds i do sow in the GH in line with when soil and conditiond outside are suitable.

              All that will happen is the seeds, being cold & wet, will likely go rotten.
              Feed the soil, not the plants.
              (helps if you have cluckies)

              Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


              • #8
                Could you start tomatoes & peppers indoors on the windowsill in March,a greenhouse would be too cold without heat,even with heat there's not enough light yet it's too early for sowing. Some things can go in modules now in a cold greenhouse like onions for planting out when you're ready,they'll grow a tiny shoot & wait for you.
                Location : Essex


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