Hi there,
I have two raised beds to fill that I made out of pallets. They are 1 pallet by 2 pallets long, roughly 1.2 x 2.4m. I have done loads of YouTube and Google searching and found great advice. My soil seems ok, but it's very shallow and I need to deter my little boys from running over everything. I have a large volume to fill, but found a guy with well rotted manure locally giving it away for free. I was going to add this up to 50%, then topsoil. I noticed lots of topsoil going free on gumtree, but my husband has put me off. He's worried that the soil will be full of random bits like stones and plastic, even asbestos. Has anyone had any experience of freebie stuff? I can afford topsoil now I've found free manure, but I'd rather buy soil improvers. I've looked at lasagna gardening but can't get enough free leaves and grass cuttings etc. I want to grow this year too. I want to add vermiculite (�1 in Poundland for a little bag) and Coconut Coir (40l �4 Wilko) too. Is this a good price and what proportions are people using? The Mel's Mix seems a bit extreme to me. I'm planning on getting a wormery and compost bin for future amendments to the soil, plus free fertiliser ideas from around the web like nettle tea. What have you done?
I have two raised beds to fill that I made out of pallets. They are 1 pallet by 2 pallets long, roughly 1.2 x 2.4m. I have done loads of YouTube and Google searching and found great advice. My soil seems ok, but it's very shallow and I need to deter my little boys from running over everything. I have a large volume to fill, but found a guy with well rotted manure locally giving it away for free. I was going to add this up to 50%, then topsoil. I noticed lots of topsoil going free on gumtree, but my husband has put me off. He's worried that the soil will be full of random bits like stones and plastic, even asbestos. Has anyone had any experience of freebie stuff? I can afford topsoil now I've found free manure, but I'd rather buy soil improvers. I've looked at lasagna gardening but can't get enough free leaves and grass cuttings etc. I want to grow this year too. I want to add vermiculite (�1 in Poundland for a little bag) and Coconut Coir (40l �4 Wilko) too. Is this a good price and what proportions are people using? The Mel's Mix seems a bit extreme to me. I'm planning on getting a wormery and compost bin for future amendments to the soil, plus free fertiliser ideas from around the web like nettle tea. What have you done?