Hello, hope this is the right place to post this. I'm going to start making some Comfrey Fertiliser for my chillies and had but two simple questions regarding a good bucket to use.

Firstly, can the bucket have a good sealable lid on it or would this impede the amount of oxygen needed for the Comfrey to break down? I've heard Comfrey can smell somewhat "corpsey" so would prefer a sealed container.
Secondly, does temperature matter? Is it like a compost bin where you want it to get good and hot, or would the bucket be better if it was cooler? This would influence the colour I went for
Thanks for reading

Firstly, can the bucket have a good sealable lid on it or would this impede the amount of oxygen needed for the Comfrey to break down? I've heard Comfrey can smell somewhat "corpsey" so would prefer a sealed container.
Secondly, does temperature matter? Is it like a compost bin where you want it to get good and hot, or would the bucket be better if it was cooler? This would influence the colour I went for

Thanks for reading
