Raised bed
I've finally started to fill my raised bed.
Unfortunately as it started raining when I was mowing the lawn, I rushed myself when filling the bed and may not have put a good mix of grass clippings with shredded papers.
I just put a thin layer of wet newspaper and then grass clippings on top, followed by MPC.
I COMPLETELY forgot to put the shredded papers!
Also I had some old plants (very few) pulled out around winter which I forgot to put in too!
I understand that this could lead to "anaerobic composting" or the raised bed not draining properly or some other bad things too.
What can I do to fix this? Take out all the soil and mix up the shredded paper and old plants into the grass clippings and put the soil back in?
For my composting, I put a whole bunch of horse manure mixed with straw about 2-3 feet high in a rectangular box made of pallets on Sunday.
Having checked it yesterday evening, the temperature was at 40�C, so I gave it a mixing around.
I understand that optimal temperature is supposed to be around 60�C.
How long does it take for temperatures to reach that high and what can I do to improve them?
Thank you!!
Raised bed
I've finally started to fill my raised bed.
Unfortunately as it started raining when I was mowing the lawn, I rushed myself when filling the bed and may not have put a good mix of grass clippings with shredded papers.
I just put a thin layer of wet newspaper and then grass clippings on top, followed by MPC.
I COMPLETELY forgot to put the shredded papers!
Also I had some old plants (very few) pulled out around winter which I forgot to put in too!
I understand that this could lead to "anaerobic composting" or the raised bed not draining properly or some other bad things too.
What can I do to fix this? Take out all the soil and mix up the shredded paper and old plants into the grass clippings and put the soil back in?
For my composting, I put a whole bunch of horse manure mixed with straw about 2-3 feet high in a rectangular box made of pallets on Sunday.
Having checked it yesterday evening, the temperature was at 40�C, so I gave it a mixing around.
I understand that optimal temperature is supposed to be around 60�C.
How long does it take for temperatures to reach that high and what can I do to improve them?
Thank you!!