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Hiya, green newbie!


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  • Hiya, green newbie!

    Hi there, green newbie here!

    My boyfriend has the greenest fingers I've ever come across and despite my love for all things earth-grown, mine don't work the magic quite as well! He planted a ton of stuff in a greenhouse in my parent's back garden and has gone back to Canada to work till Christmas. So I'm left tending the 'farm'!!

    I've made a couple of posts already - mainly everything's doing ok, although the weather hasn't really helped much this year - but I have a couple of issues going on I hope folks can help with.

    Anyhow, hopefully talk with you all soon, thanks for having me!

    Sirius x
    �The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.�

  • #2
    Welcome to the Vine Sirius. You're right, it hasn't been the best growing year for anything. Gorgeous last few days, but few days before that it didn't get above 15 degrees in the greenhouse. What use is that ! Sorry I missed the questions you posted. Hope you got some answers. You must be looking forward to your man coming back. Do let us know how your growing goes, and if we can help. You do want to give him a big surprise.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      Hi Sirius,

      Wellcome to the vine and goodluck with your plant. Green finger don't come just like that, but really, the more you learn and corrected certain method the greener your finger become . You will get there, there are always new things to learn, and most of all enjoy it

      Last edited by momol; 10-08-2007, 08:35 AM.
      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


      • #4
        Hi and welcome to the vine Sirius. Enjoy the gardening
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          Welcome to the grapevine Sirius. We all started out as newbies (although some of us so long ago that it didn't have a name!) Check your plants regularly - it's amazing how often you miss the few greenfly that turn into a ravening hoarde in a couple of days. Catch problems while they're young and dont be too kind to your plants. They need to stand on their own feet (roots?) as soon as possibe. Take pictures of all your successes so that the Man Himself will be well impressed when he returns!

          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            Hi there Sirius- welcome to the Vine!
            Sounds like you've got your hands full- are your parents able to help out a bit too- they may enjoy spending a little more time sharing your new 'hobby'!!!
            Always someone at hand here to offer advice!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Hi everyone, thanks for being so welcoming

              My Dad has two greenhouses in his back garden - he 'donated' one to us since he and my other half share a love of gardening. Dad's been great and pretty much tended to everything since my honey went back off over the water, and he's had many many years of experience - I'm sure if it had been left to me, I'd have killed half of it off by now!!

              We've got masses of lettuce, some lovely toms coming, cucumbers doing really well, and the greenhouse carrots are fabulous, the outdoor ones barely the size of my pinkie. I've been harvesting more mangetout than I can cope with, so some of it has been frozen for future enjoyment! The broccoli attempt just didn't happen (I ignored it slightly too long and it went to flower) and, as I've posted, my strawberry doesn't want to flower and my pumpkin is dying a slow death. Still, all things considered, things are going pretty well! Thanks to the internet I've been keeping my honey supplied with photos of everything - I know he thinks I'm off my head, but hey, he knew that when we met

              I know this summer has been pretty dismal (although we really haven't had it anywhere as bad as those down south) so I'm content with the successes and looking forward to many more! It's lovely to have found this forum where everyone seems so friendly and helpful, and I'll be glad to hang around and pester those of you with more experience!

              Sirius x
              �The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.�


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