I want to use our conservatory to grow food all year round.
I�ve already started some cut & come again lettuces and other salad greens, and today transplanted the seedlings from a propagator to pots.
I�d ideally like to cut enough for at least 2 large salads per day.
However, I feel like the route I�ve taken involves a lot of hassle, and I�m wondering if I could have grown straight into the grow bag trays that are about 4-5cm deep?
I also want to grow herbs & spices all year round, such as: Basil, Thyme, Sage, Mint, Coriander, Chillies.
Last request, is there anything that would grow well all year on a kitchen windowsill that faces into the conservatory?
I�d be grateful to receive any advise to successful year round growing in a UK conservatory without lights/heating.
I�ve already started some cut & come again lettuces and other salad greens, and today transplanted the seedlings from a propagator to pots.
I�d ideally like to cut enough for at least 2 large salads per day.
However, I feel like the route I�ve taken involves a lot of hassle, and I�m wondering if I could have grown straight into the grow bag trays that are about 4-5cm deep?
I also want to grow herbs & spices all year round, such as: Basil, Thyme, Sage, Mint, Coriander, Chillies.
Last request, is there anything that would grow well all year on a kitchen windowsill that faces into the conservatory?
I�d be grateful to receive any advise to successful year round growing in a UK conservatory without lights/heating.