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I've been looking at having another plot. This one is under a bit of shade by a tree which will mean I can work on it when the other plot gets to hot to work on. Also it means there is shade for the kids.
There are loads of weeds on it but have been on the plot and they are pulling up pretty easily. Also there is plenty of old carpet down.
I have been told there is wild horseradish on it and the previous plot holder did make some attempt to get rid of it. I think I have found it and there quite a bit there. Is horseradish invasive and can I dig it out easily?
Thanks in advance.
If this question is in the wrong section Mods please feel free to move

I've been looking at having another plot. This one is under a bit of shade by a tree which will mean I can work on it when the other plot gets to hot to work on. Also it means there is shade for the kids.
There are loads of weeds on it but have been on the plot and they are pulling up pretty easily. Also there is plenty of old carpet down.
I have been told there is wild horseradish on it and the previous plot holder did make some attempt to get rid of it. I think I have found it and there quite a bit there. Is horseradish invasive and can I dig it out easily?
Thanks in advance.