Hi all,
I am just about to try and repot (save) my onions and leeks which I potted on last week however I buried them rather than leaving part of the stem above so on advise from snap puss I am going to see if any are still okay - fingers crossed
I wanted to ask advise please about these seedlings as today is my day for potting on so -
My sea of cauliflowers - are they ready to go into 11cm pots with 2 per pot? (i need give some away as I could stock aldi currently if they all make it)
My tomatoes - same as cauli's, I sowed too many seeds, they all kinda made it so far, I've already potted on to try and thin them out and still seem okay so are they ready to go to 11cm pots and can they go two to a pot?
Cucumber - bigger pots?
tiny strawberry seedlings...do I thin them out or leave them just now because so small?
Parsley and Chives - again do i thin them out or keep together in those clumps and put in bigger pots?
Broadbeans - last week I posted a picture asking had I killed this as there were roots poking out at the bottom of the seed pots, nothing coming from the top, you guys told me not to panic, I potted onto the bigger pots and look looky! These bad boys are doing great, my question is, their roots are poking out the bottom of the 11cm pots now...do I transfer to MFB's or leave as is?
Sorry for so many questions, I didn't ask advice before I went ahead with onions and leeks last week and i think i've killed them so just wanted to make sure for these guys
I am just about to try and repot (save) my onions and leeks which I potted on last week however I buried them rather than leaving part of the stem above so on advise from snap puss I am going to see if any are still okay - fingers crossed

I wanted to ask advise please about these seedlings as today is my day for potting on so -
My sea of cauliflowers - are they ready to go into 11cm pots with 2 per pot? (i need give some away as I could stock aldi currently if they all make it)
My tomatoes - same as cauli's, I sowed too many seeds, they all kinda made it so far, I've already potted on to try and thin them out and still seem okay so are they ready to go to 11cm pots and can they go two to a pot?
Cucumber - bigger pots?
tiny strawberry seedlings...do I thin them out or leave them just now because so small?
Parsley and Chives - again do i thin them out or keep together in those clumps and put in bigger pots?
Broadbeans - last week I posted a picture asking had I killed this as there were roots poking out at the bottom of the seed pots, nothing coming from the top, you guys told me not to panic, I potted onto the bigger pots and look looky! These bad boys are doing great, my question is, their roots are poking out the bottom of the 11cm pots now...do I transfer to MFB's or leave as is?
Sorry for so many questions, I didn't ask advice before I went ahead with onions and leeks last week and i think i've killed them so just wanted to make sure for these guys
