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Japanese maple


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  • Japanese maple

    Bought this as a little twig over a year ago. Leaves had just started to show when this happened.

    Any ideas? Potted in a standard potting compost (i know i messed up!) but the roots will well and truly be down in the ground by now through the pot so can�t repot.

    Was healthy last year.

    Im in south yorkshire and it gets full sun from around 1500 onwards and in a corner so pretty sheltered from winds i think!

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Name:	CAAFC2D7-2711-4329-B190-29DACEF8903E.jpg
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ID:	2405779

  • #2

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    • #3
      Not sure what the problem is, but at least there's some healthy leaves lower down so I'd regard that as a hopeful sign. I've had a couple of these die on me after growing away healthily, for no obvious reason.


      • #4
        Most of the leaves have shrivelled and turned black.. never seen it on any other plant/tree. They aren't dry/crispy either!


        • #5
          Maybe they've just been affected by the frost? That can happen if there's a frost after new growth has appeared. If so it's no big deal.


          • #6
            All I can say is that I've found these maples to be very finicky things. Obviously they don't want too much direct sun and they also don't like windy spots, but as I said I've had some for 10 or so years which have died without any obvious cause.

            May be someone will be along who knows more about the subject who can suggest the reason behind the problem with yours.


            • #7
              Originally posted by HoneyChild View Post
              Maybe they've just been affected by the frost? That can happen if there's a frost after new growth has appeared. If so it's no big deal.
              I agree with HoneyChild - possibly frost damage. Wait and see if those branches recover. My only Japanese maple is just coming into leaf.

              ........and Welcome to the Forum.


              • #8
                That happened to one of ours last year. Frost/cold damage.

                It will grow new leaves eventually. Some of the leaf bud joints might be too damaged this year but will sprout again next year. Ours were badly frosted at end of April last year but survived and is sprouting even from the main stem this year so don’t think it has done any great harm.


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone for taking the time out to reply!

                  It still look pretty miserable at the minute but fingers crossed it perks up when the weather picks up!


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