Hi all, hope you have all had a lovely day enjoying this sunshine!
I have been working away on all these plantings since I sowed far too many seeds in error...i've given loads of seedlings away and left with a few of each plant so I have been trying to plant them in different containers to see how I get on in different pots / bags?
I've also started germinating my next lot of seeds including carrots, parsnips, squash, beets, salads etc so fingers crossed with them
My questions are...these plants have been in the little mini greenhouses with the doors open during the day and closed up at night.
The cucumber has these white spots on the leaves? is it okay?
The tomato...how quickly should the be growing / developing? These were sown on 30th March (cauls's are the same) but they don't appear to be doing much - or am i expecting too much too soon?

The strawberries - all three pots are pretty much like this, tiny, not really growing and some leaves have gone brown.
Everything has been sown in seed compost and then potted on into MPC?
Thank you in advance
