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  • #16
    Call me a gump but I wonder, does the midge have a predator and is the predator attracted by a specific plant?

    Discover the midge specie discover its foe, attract the foe and so reduce numbers
    Before you spray a single thing,
    sit down and read the silent spring.


    • #17
      Originally posted by The poly tunnel poet View Post
      Call me a gump but I wonder, does the midge have a predator and is the predator attracted by a specific plant?

      Discover the midge specie discover its foe, attract the foe and so reduce numbers
      I gather midges and other flying insects are important food sources for birds and bats, so if you encourage these in your garden they should hoover up some of the pesky critters.

      Where do midges come from - they need water to breed. I had hoped to create a wildlife pond in my new garden (I just love frogs especially), however there was a Sheffield research study BUGS (Biodiversity in Urban Gardens in Sheffield) in 2004 which installed 19 tiny ponds in urban gardens to see how they were colonised. Midge and mosquito larvae arrived before anything else, and more than half of the ponds had both within ten days. Boo hoo, no pond for me, as I am a midge magnet (we don't get mosquitoes here in Edinburgh), and am extremely allergic to their bites, develop huge lumps and get black eyes when they bite me.

      That said, the study found that the best thing you can do for all wildlife is to install a pond, however small, so if you don't share my problem they are great things.

      Re midge repellent, I find the Boots repellents OK, Avon Skin So Soft seems fine if midges don't absolutely love you (doesn't work for me, but it does for some people I know), but my top find is The Wee Midgie Body Butter which only contains natural ingredients (yes, I was sceptical too), that I bought at Gardening Scotland last year. It really works, and isn't unpleasant at all.
      Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


      • #18
        My issue is horsey flies and skin so soft definitely reduces the b******s landing on me and chomping away. In regards to the garden just try and plant as many different herbs and such like. Lavender, mint, wormwood, lemon balm, rosemary etc. Each has different insect repelling properties but it is a bit trial and error for your specific midges.


        • #19
          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
          Anyway, I've just ordered some Smidge �5.60 with free p&p on Eb@y from Blacks. By far the cheapest!
          I'll stay indoors until it arrives later this week.
          Smidge has arrived - really quick delivery!


          • #20
            Wen I did some hill walking I tried drinking tonic water, a couple of glasses a day, which did seem to help keep them at bay, apparently it's the trace of quinine in it that's supposed to help, if you can't drink it strait mix with gin as for the skin so soft, it was the bottle with the green top that worked, and it smelled nice when you sprayed your feet after removed buyout boots
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • #21
              ^^^^^^^^ that should read, it smelled nice when you sprayed your feet after you removed your boots
              I am sure auto correct has a certain genders ability to put words in that wasn't said
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • #22
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                The midges annoy me because they fly up my nose and into my eyes. Keep forgetting to spray the Avon stuff on and I'm not 100% sure it works.
                Anyway, I've just ordered some Smidge �5.60 with free p&p on Eb@y from Blacks. By far the cheapest!
                I'll stay indoors until it arrives later this week.
                I cannot see that VC. Could you oblige and send a link please


                • #23
                  Sorry Ap - just checked and they're all gone. Next cheapest is �8.39.


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