Hi there. Im a very new veg grower, only starting with the basic herbs and lettuce at the begging of this year- now ive been completely bitten by the bug and want to do more next year!!! 
Im a little stuck! Ive read all about crop rotation and patio growing and have become very confused.
I unfortunatly dont own a house of my own or an allotment. My other half has kindly allowed me to have a little space in his newly lanscaped garden (mainly grass n fish pond
). Unfortunatly only one of his borders is in full sun (and its only about 1m square) so im resorting to a lot of pots/planters and troughs to help. He is also no so keen to have his entire garden turned into an allotment and he hates pots!!!
Im only going to grow what i know we both like (slowly convert him..he he)!
So- what can i grow together? What grows in part shade? Do i rotate my pots or just replace the compost in it each time?
Ive read lots on crop rotation and so so confused! Do i seperate in to roots, brassicas, alluiums, legumes, curcrbits and fruit veg??
Im wanting to plant aubergines, parsnips, onions, lettuce, rocket, spinach, squashes, cucumbers, garlic, chillis and peppers and have no idea what groups i can put them into.
My potatoes will prob go in a tower. Tomatoes and strawbs in hanging baskets- the rest makes my brain hurt!!
Any ideas/advice would be so so helpful!
PS sorry for going on and on!

Im a little stuck! Ive read all about crop rotation and patio growing and have become very confused.
I unfortunatly dont own a house of my own or an allotment. My other half has kindly allowed me to have a little space in his newly lanscaped garden (mainly grass n fish pond

Im only going to grow what i know we both like (slowly convert him..he he)!
So- what can i grow together? What grows in part shade? Do i rotate my pots or just replace the compost in it each time?
Ive read lots on crop rotation and so so confused! Do i seperate in to roots, brassicas, alluiums, legumes, curcrbits and fruit veg??
Im wanting to plant aubergines, parsnips, onions, lettuce, rocket, spinach, squashes, cucumbers, garlic, chillis and peppers and have no idea what groups i can put them into.
My potatoes will prob go in a tower. Tomatoes and strawbs in hanging baskets- the rest makes my brain hurt!!

PS sorry for going on and on!