Hello, New member trying to improve my green fingers
I don't have a garden so I'm experimenting on what I can grow on my windowsill. It's not the sunniest position but it's all I have at the moment, gets around 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
I put 2 Rudolph seed potatoes in a 26 Litre bucket and slowly mounded the soil around it as the sprouts grew. This was roughly end of March and they've grown to around 2m (probably due to lack of sunlight and warmth of being indoors). They failed to support their own weight pretty early on so I supported them with string.
It looked like it was starting to flower, little bud like things appeared 2 weeks ago but then they just stopped growing. A few lateral stems have been yellowing and falling off the main stems some days but they bulk of the plant still seems to be green and healthy. What's confusing me more is that new stems have recently started sprouting out of the soil.
I water it a moderate amount nearly every day as the direct sun dries the top of the soil pretty quick and give it a heavy water once a week to make sure the bottom stays wet. Should I stop watering and just let it die or keep at it for a few more weeks?
Attached some pictures. First photo I took a week ago, it's already gotten taller. It reaches the ceiling now. Second is what I thought was a flower bud that still looks the same 2 weeks on. 3rd are the new stems coming out of the soil that have grown pretty quick and starting to leaf.

I put 2 Rudolph seed potatoes in a 26 Litre bucket and slowly mounded the soil around it as the sprouts grew. This was roughly end of March and they've grown to around 2m (probably due to lack of sunlight and warmth of being indoors). They failed to support their own weight pretty early on so I supported them with string.
It looked like it was starting to flower, little bud like things appeared 2 weeks ago but then they just stopped growing. A few lateral stems have been yellowing and falling off the main stems some days but they bulk of the plant still seems to be green and healthy. What's confusing me more is that new stems have recently started sprouting out of the soil.
I water it a moderate amount nearly every day as the direct sun dries the top of the soil pretty quick and give it a heavy water once a week to make sure the bottom stays wet. Should I stop watering and just let it die or keep at it for a few more weeks?
Attached some pictures. First photo I took a week ago, it's already gotten taller. It reaches the ceiling now. Second is what I thought was a flower bud that still looks the same 2 weeks on. 3rd are the new stems coming out of the soil that have grown pretty quick and starting to leaf.
