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Do I let my girls out to free range?


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  • Do I let my girls out to free range?

    Need some advise on letting my ladies out to free range. I know how to do it and why to do it but I worry about foxes and the dogs.
    Both of the dogs have been in the pen on a lead and have been zapped by the electric fencing on a few occasions and they are surprisingly not bothered by the chickens.
    The pen is 25m, so it is quite big for 10 chickens, they have all that they need in that pen. My problem is that we where we live there are fields all around and the chances of foxes and badgers, as we have a set in one of our fields, is huge.
    So what should we do?
    It has been suggested that they go out only when we are around, which could be most evenings and the weekends.
    The fact that they are our pets and I would hate it if they got taken by a fox, so would the kids makes me think that they are ok just staying in their pen.
    Would love to hear your pros and cons
    Many thanks

  • #2
    hi dotty, i let my girls out all day, but as soon as the light starts going i put them in if they havent already gone in, but ive only had them a few weeks, now i read that you only have to worry about foxes at night, that they were too shy to attmpt anything in the day, but im always pottering around, so maybe thats a plus, even if you just let them out at weekends its better than nothing, mine have got used to going out though if its raining and i keep them in they make a lot of noise as i walk past and push at the gate ! hope it helps pats


    • #3
      Not being an authority on chooks I would have assumed that most predators were nocturnal with there main hunting periods being at dawn and dusk?and that your chooks would be safely locked up in there coops over night!
      Last edited by Snadger; 09-09-2007, 11:42 AM.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Thanks for that folks
        I think because we are surrounded by fields and we do see foxes during the day, it is that that concerns me.
        Though I am getting around to the idea more, it just pains me to think that I spent �226 on an electric fence to keep them safe during the day and we don't use it!


        • #5
          We kept chooks when I was younger. The times the fox got them and decimated the flock were usually daytime while we were out!

          If you see foxes around and about in the daylight in your area, I would be wary of letting the hens out if you are not there. Sorry to put you off. sounds like their pen is plenty big enough to meet their requirements anyway. Let them out when you are there to make sure mr fox keeps his distance.
          Happy Gardening,


          • #6
            Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
            We kept chooks when I was younger. The times the fox got them and decimated the flock were usually daytime while we were out!
            Ah well, another theory goes out the window!
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #7
              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
              Ah well, another theory goes out the window!
              The fox didn't get its reputation by accident - they really are wily and sneaky. They learn your daily routine and take advantage where they can.
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                I have heard that if you or your pet dog mark your terratory with number ones or two then a fox will stay away from that piece of land ( and if your a lady get the other half to do it ) i can't remember where but when i had chickens in my old house it backed on to fields and i did this and not lost a single one to foxes even though they where seen in the field.
                ---) CARL (----
                NORTH DEVON

                a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



                now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


                • #9
                  Can't vouch for foxes - fortunate (in some ways) I have neighbours all around - no fields... and because we're fairly rural I think the fox population has enough food not to venture in town. (Where we lived before we were over run with urban foxes).

                  As for your dogs - we'll we've had problems as you know with our neighbours dog digging their way in. But our dog, a border collie, is fine with them. I introduced them slowly - she does try to herd them at times and has gone for their legs a few times (she gets very jealous when I'm out in the garden as they are all around me)... but generally they are ok. They have chased both cats off and definately are not spooked by our dog.

                  We want to move to a more rural location (once kids left school) and I can see this as a problem we will encounter. I too think of my chooks as pets and love seeing them roaming around the garden at will. Let us know if you find a solution.

                  Jan A novice gardener - first year of growing


                  • #10
                    Thanks for that everyone
                    It seems I didn't have a choice to keep the 'girls' in..... some flew out when we started to dig out the footings for the extension They were fine, so I let them all out and they are having a blast. Their crops are SO full they can hardly run. It is so funny. I keep an eye out for them as much as I can and I listen out constantly. Though back to work now, so we'll see how they go.
                    Thanks again
                    Happy chickens


                    • #11
                      Having been alerted by the hens to see a dog fox with his paws on the run looking for a way in at lunch time a month or two back....

                      Keep them in unless you are out there! The elecric wire is still useful - wire off your veg beds and/or flower borders, unless you don't mind having them trashed!
                      The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dotty Chick View Post
                        Thanks for that folks
                        I think because we are surrounded by fields and we do see foxes during the day, it is that that concerns me.
                        Though I am getting around to the idea more, it just pains me to think that I spent �226 on an electric fence to keep them safe during the day and we don't use it!
                        Hi Dotty,
                        With the electric fencing you shouln,t have any problem with foxes or night providing it is properly set up and always 'hot'.
                        I've kept Hens for over a year in a house and run which i visit every 2 days to collect eggs and top up food and water.They go in and out as they like.
                        The area is very close to both Badgers and Foxes and I've had no problems.


                        • #13
                          The only other thing I'd say would be how high are your boundary fences? Presuming they'll be free-ranging outside of the leccie fence that is...

                          We had chickens for a very short while that were free range, until we had a visit from Mr Fox. They would go back in as soon as the light started to turn (or if there was a threat of rain, they were real tarts)

                          We have 6ft boundary fences around our garden and it wasn't uncommon to find them 3 gardens down It always worried me that they'd hop over the back fence, into the alley and hot foot it down the main road
                          Last edited by Shortie; 12-11-2007, 10:00 PM.

                          "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                          • #14
                            Im no expert but the farm i used to work on has had a big problem with foxes, ie: Taking chooks at will during the day, and thats while the dogs and folk are about.

                            After two nights of lamping and two foxes later it was fine for about two months.
                            But at the weekend two more chooks killed in daylight? looks like some more lamping is required. So dont think the fox won't strike in the day time.
                            Sly as a fox??????


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shortie View Post
                              The only other thing I'd say would be how high are your boundary fences? Presuming they'll be free-ranging outside of the leccie fence that is...

                              We had chickens for a very short while that were free range, until we had a visit from Mr Fox. They would go back in as soon as the light started to turn (or if there was a threat of rain, they were real tarts)

                              We have 6ft boundary fences around our garden and it wasn't uncommon to find them 3 gardens down It always worried me that they'd hop over the back fence, into the alley and hot foot it down the main road
                              Did you clip the wing feathers??


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