So today we bought 3 chickens, and we'd managed to get a green frog medium co-op and a 10' square wire run second hand.
They seem to be doing alright, my question related to the location in the garden. The best/'right' place to put the run in the garden has put it over an apple tree I planted back in February (which isn't much more than a 18" stick at the moment). I quite like the idea of the tree in the corner of the run giving them some shade, and them fertilising the tree a bit too. But if I have to move it it'd be easier to do so now when it's barely grown some roots and only has half a dozen leaves.
My big question is: will they destroy it/should I move it?
The hens in question are all hybrids, an amber, a speckledy and a blue haze. In their first half a day they've eaten a bit of grass, scratched in the mud a touch and have ignored the tree. They don't seem too destructive yet (I put a lettuce plant that'd gone too dry and was on the way out, they gave it a cursory peck then wandered off).
Any advice/opinions gratefully received.
They seem to be doing alright, my question related to the location in the garden. The best/'right' place to put the run in the garden has put it over an apple tree I planted back in February (which isn't much more than a 18" stick at the moment). I quite like the idea of the tree in the corner of the run giving them some shade, and them fertilising the tree a bit too. But if I have to move it it'd be easier to do so now when it's barely grown some roots and only has half a dozen leaves.
My big question is: will they destroy it/should I move it?
The hens in question are all hybrids, an amber, a speckledy and a blue haze. In their first half a day they've eaten a bit of grass, scratched in the mud a touch and have ignored the tree. They don't seem too destructive yet (I put a lettuce plant that'd gone too dry and was on the way out, they gave it a cursory peck then wandered off).
Any advice/opinions gratefully received.