Progressed further with my chook house today. Managed to scrounge some guttering and downcomer and cut and fastened along front of chook house to be. Downcomer is fed into a large barrel inside chook run and I would eventually like to rig up a ball cock and pipe to supply water to the chooks so they have fresh water on demand....still in the design stage though.
Run is nearly complete..........fruit bushes need to be taken out and part of run covered in so that chooks have somewhere to go if it's raining.
Still need to make nest boxes and perches............will i get away with three for a flock of ten as I would like them to be the exterior lift up type and space is at a premium! Failing that could I have two layers of three nest boxes? Chook condo!
Run is nearly complete..........fruit bushes need to be taken out and part of run covered in so that chooks have somewhere to go if it's raining.
Still need to make nest boxes and perches............will i get away with three for a flock of ten as I would like them to be the exterior lift up type and space is at a premium! Failing that could I have two layers of three nest boxes? Chook condo!
