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What's your favorite breed?


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  • #16
    I've got a Light Sussex, a "brown one" and a Bovans Nera. They've been (finger's very crossed) happy and healthy since I've had them - in May and between them they've laid 530 eggs since then. Dorothy the Bovans Nera is very noisy, Barbara the brown one is self, self, self and would steal the clothes off your back if you gave her a chance and Enid the Light Sussex takes life as she finds it and is a bit dumb but very nice.
    I didn't choose them, got what I could ,but they've been great, get on well together and lay fantastic eggs.
    So I'd be happy with more of the same.
    best wishes


    • #17

      Think I've just posted but can't find it now as got distracted by Hubby so apologies for repeating myself.

      I love that chart!!!! I openly admit to being an obsessed chook-keeper-to-be. I've wanted them for three years now but planned to move and not really enough space.

      Now we are moving. I think I could fit an ark type run, maybe for two hens, would have to check what they need and which can handle being in a run that gets moved about. I have two nosey but non threatening cats and a dog who's more interested in people than animals or birds. I couldn't go free range at this house but will 'one day!' in another.

      I really like the look of light sussexes and welsummers and hubby likes black chooks. I'd love some that were friendly and tame and wanted to be chatted to with cups of tea and treats at regular intervals. What ever happens, I'll get ones that would like what I have to offer rather than which ones I like. Hardy weather barers for Scottish weather too. I'm very much open to advice. All friends here think I'm barking, bless them but I'm proud to be chook mad and loo forward to digging up some new lawn for veggy patches and then rotating a chook run over these for varied fun for chooks.



      • #18
        We have a speckled sussex, a light sussex, a buff orpington, a black cochin, a wyandotte, and a chick that I am not sure about (!!) All have their own personalities, all are fab pets, and we get eggs as a bonus too!

        Enjoy your chooks when you get them, they are addictive!!!
        8 chickens, 1 Whippet and a small garden


        • #19
          Wow, what fab breeds!!! I bet they're beautiful!!!



          • #20
            I have 4 Black Rocks, 3 Bluebelles and 2 Columbian Blacktails and 5 Warren Reds. They are all gorgeous! I am hoping the Bluebelles start to turn a bit more bluey in the summer.
            Atomic Apple Design

            "It is a clich� that most clich�s are true, but then like most clich�s, that clich� is untrue."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Forget-me-Not View Post
              I really like the look of light sussexes and welsummers and hubby likes black chooks. I'd love some that were friendly and tame and wanted to be chatted to with cups of tea and treats at regular intervals. What ever happens, I'll get ones that would like what I have to offer rather than which ones I like. Hardy weather barers for Scottish weather too. I'm very much open to advice. All friends here think I'm barking, bless them but I'm proud to be chook mad and loo forward to digging up some new lawn for veggy patches and then rotating a chook run over these for varied fun for chooks.

              Hi Beth,
              Have you considered some of the Scottish rare breeds? There is a Scots grey (hens are dark grey with thin white bars on feathers) and a Scots Dumpy, which comes in black and cuckoo colouring most commonly. Both are ancient breeds, highly suited to the Scottish weather. Other really hardy breeds are the game-type chickens, some of which are often bred for fighting but some are quite docile. I wanted to get some Old English Game hens at a recent sale but couldn't go in the end due to circumstances. I have a young rooster whose mum was a game cross hen and he has inherited much of her characteristics, including beautiful black plumage with a bettle-green sheen to it. He was destined for the pot but I think he will get a reprieve, he's just too pretty! Other hens I have which cope well with the weather are the Plymouth rock and Marans.

              Dwell simply ~ love richly


              • #22
                Hi Forget-Me-Not
                All chooks once they are settled and happy will be content to be chatted to with cups of tea and treats. Keeping them is so rewarding once you have got them used to you and tamed.
                I have a bench in my run so when I have a break on the allotment I make a drink and go and sit with the girls, a couple of them will hop up on the bench next to me. Watch them though, or you'll get a beak in your tea.

                Kirsty b xx


                • #23
                  I like warrens just because they are exceptionally friendly fowls
                  Yo an' Bob
                  Walk lightly on the earth
                  take only what you need
                  give all you can
                  and your produce will be bountifull


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