I do worry about my chooks this time of year. They have a 8 - 10 bird house with a covered run (3m x 1.5m) and then a bit of outside ground to scratch around in, which has wood chips in. Obviously the wood chip gets wet and damp, and I do worry about sneezes etc (none at present). What do others do in the winter. We kept ours in their covered run, for a couple of days when it was really windy a couple of weeks ago, but they look so forlorn, cos they LOVE being out in their scratchy bit!!
What do others do, I cant be so cruel as to keep them in for the next three months, even though there is room, although not so much when their food and water hoppers are in there!!
Anybody have any ideas, or suggestions???
What do others do, I cant be so cruel as to keep them in for the next three months, even though there is room, although not so much when their food and water hoppers are in there!!
Anybody have any ideas, or suggestions???
