Terry, it might just be the weather. Mine were complete tarts and wouldn't even think about coming out at a hint of rain!
No announcement yet.
can eggs be eaten while birds being treated with verm-x
I hope things settle down soon TP
My three have now had three days together - Sp is still chasing Dodo a bit, but nowhere near as bad and Dodo isn't freaking out anymore - squawks and runs for cover then sticks her bum in Sp's face
Tonight all 3 tucked up together in the one big nest box!! Hooray happy families at last
Next problem!!! Sp has now decided she has to crow loudly every morning for aprox 20 mins?! I have absolutely no idea why - any ideas please anyone? At least at the moment she starts at daylight - 7.30 am ish but I am dreading summer early morning 4 am calls! My neighbours will definately complain.
Hi KirstyB, good luck!! - maybe having 5 new ones might actually be easier. You know none of them will really know who is top chicken etc?! How many did you already have?
One thing I found kept my thug busy were those fat seed balls for wild birds - I hung them where she can just reach them. Because they are rock hard she has to really spend time chiseling away at them - unlike the whole lettuce she devoured in an hour!!
Hi birdie wife the one thing I can say that I am 100% sure of about these chickens is that they are definately female! They are 3 yrs old and Speckle lays every other day - even when she was in solitary confiment!!
She does appear some what confused tho - seems to be a bit 'sexy' with Dodo her victim?! As well as the morning crowing!
Hormone imbalance treatment or counselling maybe?!!
Very odd. When I had only hens one of them started to crow - apparently it's uncommon but not unheard of. Where there is an all-female group, one will sometimes assume the role of a male (can include chasing, bossiness, crowing and even treading) and I heard of one case where a female actually turned into a male over a period of a few months!! Most of the time is doesn't last that long. My confused girl crowed a bit, but yours seems to be really going for it! I would stay with it and hope she grows out of it. Mine did, before I got a rooster.
Dwell simply ~ love richly
The mind boggles
What you have said sort of fits tho - Sp is acting like the alpha male and I guess if there isnt a male around someone has to do it!
I shall watch her closely for any physical changes!! Don't know what on earth I will do if she does swop genders
What is 'treading' you mentioned it in the description of male dominant behaviours?
I guess I will just have to hope she settles noise wise before the light mornings. I live in a small terraced cottage so my neighbours are very close on both sides.
Not sure if this is coincidence but she appears quieter after she has laid at about 11am - but then she doesnt lay every day but still crows every morning?!
Poor Sp, she must be very confused! 'Treading' is when a cockerel mates the hen - he will jump on top of her (if she is willing), hold the back of her head and, erm, do the business.
Other typical cockerel behaviours are dancing around the hens with a wing dropped. My little lad who has no females of his own actually seranades the big hens from afar, trying to get them to come over so he can have his wicked way!! He does a little trilling noise and sometimes the hens trill back, the big tarts! Rene (rooster) soon puts a stop to that though.
Dwell simply ~ love richly
Uhm you know I said Sp is a 'bit sexy' with Dodo?! Well I now know it's called treading!!!
She jumps on D grabs her comb and .....
I think this probably explains why Dodo cowers and sticks her bum in the air!! I think she is just as confused as Sp!!!
Also Sp 'trills' and you guessed it D trills back!!
Pheonix gives them a sidewards glance!!
Thanx for explaining - I'm not up on the chicken lingo! Think I could write a book on chicken psychology soon tho!!!
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