Originally posted by Sue
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Paul, you might also find that Daisy is older than Delicious. Hybrid hens will lay an egg a day for about 18 months from reaching POL, after this time you will find they lay a little less frequently and you will get the odd 'strange' egg (thin shelled, teeny-tiny etc).
Ex Bats are normally 'got-rid-of' just as egg production starts to drop, so Daisy could be at about this stage. Add this to the new feathers shes trying to grow, and this combination is probably the cause. As her health improves her eggs will too.
Delicious came to you in a different way when she made a bid for freedom after TV stardom, its possible that she was a much younger bird who wouldn't have normally been rescued yet. She was in better health and has therefore made the transition to normal life quicker.
Daisy will soon follow suit!
