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Thoughts on Eglus


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  • Thoughts on Eglus

    In persuit of my new grand plan to keep some chooks I've been looking around at the sort of housing available. I'm no good at making stuff so it'll have to be something bought.
    I'm looking to get 3 chooks.
    Locally the housing available seems to be really expensive and poorly constructed and at one place one of the sales assistants told me their chicken arks were rubish and fall apart!
    Been looking at the omlet site and just love the idea of getting an eglu, they seem expensive bit look very durable compared to the wooden jobbies I've seen, easy to keep clean etc. Thinking of going for their package but it's gonna take me a while to save up! In the mean time does anyone have any thoughts?
    Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.

  • #2
    Personally I think they are overpriced but there are many happy eglu owners out there. Have you had a look on freecycle/ebay? You can sometimes pick up stuff there. Or convert a dog kennel or suchlike.

    Dwell simply ~ love richly


    • #3
      I've been told that the Eglu's aren't much good cos they're made of plastic... when it's hot outside (as if!) the birds swelter and the plastic doesn't provide much insulation against cold. I think they're also very overpriced!

      My wooden ark is nice and easy to clean out, the wood is treated so it's pretty durable and it was cheaper than an Eglu!

      I'd definitely go for the freecycle/ebay option, or ask around local farms, if they've got an ark etc they're not using? When our chickens had to be kept in the greenhouse cos of flooding, Mr OWG converted one of our metal dog cages into a chicken house - covered in card, perches through the mesh cage sides.


      • #4
        I have had my chickens since August - I also wanted an Eglu but thought they were expensive. I brought a coup off Ebay, now several months later I wish I had gone with my first option. Mainly for size (I feel my chickens are abit lost in the coup - it houses up to 10 and I have 3 chickens) so I feel they might be cold - I get through bedding etc quite alot as I clean them out weekly.

        As for Eglus on Ebay etc. I personally have found them pricey there also. I think its great that they hold their price but one buyer brought an Eglu for �20 more than you can get one new and delivered?????

        Good luck with your choice - I love my chickens
        Jan A novice gardener - first year of growing


        • #5
          Don't do it!!!


          • #6
            Not feeling a lot of love for eglus!!!
            My local countrywide stores is selling the Ark style coops suitable for 3/4 hens for �259, I think that is expensive for what it is. It doesn't look that sterdy. Will check out freecycle/ ebay etc, thanks peeps!
            Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


            • #7
              Hi there, first time poster so be nice to me ;-)

              I have had eglu's for two years and they are brilliant !!

              They are twin walled with an air gap between (like double glazing) which really insulates them, and keeps them warm in winter and cool in summer. There are ventilations holes as well. On the coldest nights when I have popped my hand through the eggport to stroke them and say goodnight they have been really warm.

              Being plastic they are so easy to keep clean and is does mean that there are no wooden crevices for redmite to hide in.

              A lot of pepole don't like the look of them and prefer a traditional wooden house, which is fine, each to their own etc., but I love my eglus - for the above reasons and many more !! Yes they are expensive, but so are many wooden coops and runs, and I certainly wouldn't go back now I've had eglus.

              Sorry for gushing - you probably realise that I'm a fan



              • #8
                Thanks Nicola, a fan! It's good to hear both side of the story!
                Welcome to the vine, we're always nice here! Why not go an intoduce yourself properly on our new intros thread.
                Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lainey lou View Post
                  Welcome to the vine, we're always nice here! Why not go an intoduce yourself properly on our new intros thread.
                  Hi Lainey Lou, thanks for the welcome.

                  I have just popped into that section and said hello.



                  • #10
                    I've had letters to GYO from readers who swear by Eglus if that's any help, and I guess the fact they hold their value so well speaks volumes.

                    I've noticed that often when people sell them on Ebay they say it's cos they are sizing up to the new bigger version. I like the fact they sound so easy to clean and they are designed by someone who really knows his stuff.

                    Having said that, we've got a wooden coop as it came with our first ex-bat. It looks the part because we live in an old house but I'd love to try an Eglu too and see what our girls prefer.


                    • #11
                      Hi Lainey Lou

                      I have an Omlet Cube. The problem I have with it is the chickens roost in the nesting part. They snuggle up all nice and cosy in there, but as they also poo in there I have to be quick to clean it in the mornings before they lay. I'll be advertising it on ebay in June.

                      Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

                      Michael Pollan


                      • #12
                        I've ordered a green eglu, it's being delivered in a few days - there are 3490 members on the omlet forum at this minute (inc newbie me) and there are lots of positive views from people who use eglus so I am thinking my hens will be happy


                        • #13
                          I was looking at the Eglu but in the end decided against as I was worried about foxes getting on top of the mesh run and terrorising my poor hens. But looking back what I should have done is just get the Eglu module and put it in the big hen run they've got now. As it is I've got a well-sized wooden henhouse which they only use for laying their eggs in...I've given up trying to get them to sleep in there, they sleep on the top of it. (the pen has got a roof so they don't get wet but having seen them roosting all snuggled up together they seem fine so have left them to it. But oh, I do hate scrubbing the hen house roof!) And it's not parasites, this has been going on from day one when it was brand new.
                          Anyway it would have been better to have the smaller Eglu so they have more floor space in their run. When the time comes for my first three ladies to retire ( I hasten to add, that they'll not be going anywhere ie an abbatoir, they'll have a gracious retirement on my allotment.) I'll have to get some more hens and that will give me a chance to think again.


                          • #14
                            Hi LaineyLou
                            I was obsessed with getting an Eglu or Cube for a while, but have decidedto hold back, but only because of lack of space-Im changing the garden and will try to incorporate space for one in new plans. Iloved the idea of ease of use ,bright colors I'd already decided on red and the moneyback guarantee and brilliant resale value- none of which can be said for wooden arks. Lots of people object because of initial price, but most hobbies cost and I cant and dont want to make a coop from a couple of pallets and a ball of string.

                            Id love to be in your shoes

                            My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :


                            • #15
                              Hi, I've bought an eglu cube for my 3 ex bats arriving next week. I was left some money earmarked....chickens! so could splash out. I think the advantages of the eglu is that maintaining it is very low. It does'nt need to be repaired or repainted. Also, very easy to take completely apart each week and easy to clean. Those of us who are newbies to the chicken world find the eglu user friendly. So excited about getting my lovely hens x


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