Hi everybody
My 6 ex-battery hens are well settled now, and have free range of the garden from 6.30(ish)a.m. to dusk every day. I'm getting 1, 2 or 3 eggs each day which is lovely - but - at least 1 of the chooks, possibly 2 of them lay eggs with either a very thin shell, so thin that the slightest touch breaks them, or no shells at all, just yolk in the coop or in the poo.
I'm feeding them on Smallholder Natural Free Range Layers Pellets, with some added poultry spice most days, they have a cabbage hanging up for them to peck at, and every afternoon about 3pm I go out with a handful of mixed corn, oyster shell and layers pellets so that I can feed them by hand, have a stroke of them, chat and cluck at them, and they're now climbing on my knee to feed. I've just tried them with a little sweetcorn and they're still a bit unsure about that, though they do love cucumber! I've thoroughly cleaned out the coop and dusted with red mite powder (just in case) and I've wormed them with Verm-X. They're all still replacing the feathers they didn't have when they came out of the battery place and are looking beautiful now
. It's still too early to moult though isn't it?
Any suggestions would be really helpful
Thanks very much
My 6 ex-battery hens are well settled now, and have free range of the garden from 6.30(ish)a.m. to dusk every day. I'm getting 1, 2 or 3 eggs each day which is lovely - but - at least 1 of the chooks, possibly 2 of them lay eggs with either a very thin shell, so thin that the slightest touch breaks them, or no shells at all, just yolk in the coop or in the poo.
I'm feeding them on Smallholder Natural Free Range Layers Pellets, with some added poultry spice most days, they have a cabbage hanging up for them to peck at, and every afternoon about 3pm I go out with a handful of mixed corn, oyster shell and layers pellets so that I can feed them by hand, have a stroke of them, chat and cluck at them, and they're now climbing on my knee to feed. I've just tried them with a little sweetcorn and they're still a bit unsure about that, though they do love cucumber! I've thoroughly cleaned out the coop and dusted with red mite powder (just in case) and I've wormed them with Verm-X. They're all still replacing the feathers they didn't have when they came out of the battery place and are looking beautiful now

Any suggestions would be really helpful
Thanks very much