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Looking after a 3 week old chick.Advice needed.


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  • Looking after a 3 week old chick.Advice needed.

    I currently have 5 adult chickens, we have been offered a 3 week old chick. Any advice on raising a chick would be gratefully recieved as we have no idea what is involved. do they need to be kept inside? Do they need to be under a heat lamp? What do they eat? When can they go in with my other girls? Help.

  • #2
    Never raised chicks myself, but did a quick google for you. Check out - Raise Chickens, Build Chicken Coops, Hatch Eggs
    Been looking on the site, seems quite informative at first glance
    Kirsty b xx


    • #3
      Warmth,food and water is all they need.Take the warmth away gradually as they feather up.(It might be a cockerel so don't get too fond!!)


      • #4
        We hatch ours from eggs last year, basics are keep it warm, feed it chick crumbs and access to water etc. Reduce heat during the day but keep at night until fully feathered or at least 8 weeks.
        WE put ours out gradually increasing the time depending on the weather.
        I do agree with the cockerel comment of our 5, 2 were cockerels and we had to get rid and it was hard as u see them develop over the weeks.
        Enjoy it though


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