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Bedtime in the rain


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  • Bedtime in the rain

    Hi, am new so just thought I'd say hello.
    Have just spent a frustrating 10 minutes in torrential rain under a brolly in my dressing gown putting my chickens to bed.
    Usually it's no problem, just shut the door or throw a little corn and they pile in, but when it's monsoon time - noooo! Let's run round and round the house.
    Have noticed some ticks on three of my chickens. Have been piling on the vaseline and it seems to have worked but does anyone use anything different? They've had them in their ears and under their eyes. I'm presuming they've picked them up under the trees and it's part of being free range and hoping it's not something I'm doing wrong. House is kept clean and powdered every so often.
    Hope all your chickens behaved tonight and went to bed like good chooks!

  • #2
    Poor you My lot all put themselves to bed early on Tuesday when we were having a torrential downpour so I didn't have that problem. Next time (if there is one) get someone to video it, you never know, it might get you a few quid from one of the funny animal programmes on the telly
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Mine tend to put themselves to bed at dusk, they all troop in one at a time!! I have found when its raining they are quite content to stand outside getting drenched though!
      Kirsty b xx


      • #4
        Beautiful weather tonight - so of course they all went to bed quite happily. Typical!


        • #5
          I think my girls are a wimps - the first sign of rain and they head for the chicken shed they abandoned for nights in the trees! It doesnn't matter how heavy the frost, or how harsh the wind they choose to sleep in the trees, but when it rains they're straight in the house - it's quite funny to see them poking their heads out
          How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”


          • #6
            Was late home to shut the chickens up tonight and as I crossed the garden by torchlight, saw a small mound by the chicken house. My chicken's lives flashed before my eyes but thank goodness, it was just a hedgehog. I wonder if it was after the chicken food or the water?


            • #7
              Chicken food probably - especially all that sweetcorn!
              The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


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