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ex battery hens wanted good home waiting!


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  • ex battery hens wanted good home waiting!

    hi my best friend has wanted chickens for years, she has a soft heart for animals so wants ex battery hens or chickens in need of recueing she not bothered if they no longer lay. she has the home and run for them about finished and is knowledgable about the care they will require. only females wanted no cockrals. my friend lives near chesterfield so any chickens available near chesterfield or nottingham way would be good. if you have details of some please email me the name and contact details to xxx and i will give them to her.
    ps she is vegetarian.
    hope you can help.

    **EDIT: Shortie - removed email adresss to protect emil address. Please PM PercyCharlie if you want the email address. Thanks
    Last edited by Shortie; 10-05-2008, 11:35 PM. Reason: Removing email address

  • #2
    Hi percy charlie, Just google 'EX BATS' and you should find all the info you want there, that's what I did and were picking up our ex bats in 4 weeks time
    I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


    • #3
      thanks il pass on the info to my friend, shes just finished the run and made some nest boxes incase they still lay, so i think shes just about ready when some become available.


      • #4
        hiya, put battery hen welfare trust in to search engine. Gives you heaps of info, rescue dates of ex batts and your closest re homer. Thats what we did, got 3 gorgeous girls at end of march. We adore them, they already look fitter and healthier and they still lays some eggs although that is just a bonus, we wanted to give them a loving safe home, the eggs are just a bonus.


        • #5
          As above, try the BHWT. I went down to Lincolnshire to one of their rescuers last weekend, to pick up my 12 ex-bats, they are progressing well and I let them out to free range for the first time today.

          Hopefully going back down on the next rescue date to pick up 12 or 24 more LOL



          • #6
            as above give the bhwt a call they are fantastic and need all the help they can get good luck


            • #7
              BHWT will give you all the advise you need + the hens. There is usually a fairly local person who rehomes for the area.

              "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


              • #8
                BHWT web site is at Battery Hen Welfare Trust

                A friend took 12 rescue hens about 3 months ago. I saw them on the day that she brought them to the site and I was almost in tears. They were nearly bald and for a couple of weeks they didn't like coming out of the hen house. Two died within a few weeks, but they were very sorry looking birds. The remainder now look magnificent - fully feathered, scratching around the allotment plot, and each one laying nearly every day. It is a joy to watch them.

                If anyone is in any doubt about the evils of battery egg or battery chicken production, take a look at the BHWT web site.
                Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it.


                • #9
                  my friend is on there waiting list to get some as it seems alot of caring people want them, she has just got a few young hens of a women who had an abundance of hens but not ex bats, but she is still wanting some ex bats as my friend is kind hearted and has time to devote to them.


                  • #10
                    Anyone wanting to rehome ex-battery hens is welcome to contact us and we will try to help. We are next rescuing at end of July, and have collection points around the country. For details, contact [email protected]
                    Thank you!


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