Hi everyone. I am going to get a chicken coop and chickens sometime, somehow, soon and I have a few questions. Is a raised coop best (i've read somewhere some breeds dont like the ramp??) We have a small garden but want to give 3 chickens as much space as possible in there run, so any recommendations as to what type of coop is best ?
does the ground on a run get ripped up and bad ? so a movable coop would be the better option.?
I'm sorry - all these questions ! Its just that I have spent ages on the net now trying to figure out the best option so any advice greatly appreciated. Basically I want friendly chickens that are good layers (so which breed ?) and a coop that comes with a run (so what is best ? I like the look of the covered cottage chicken coop (Ideas-4-Pets :: Dog Kennels | Dog Cages | Rabbit Hutches | Parrot Cages | Dog Beds | Cat Beds | Bird Cages) but looks heavy to move?? and the Eglu is a bit too expensive for me).
I may even build one myself so anybody know where I can get hold of some plans if I go down that road ?
we are very excited about entering into the chicken keeping world by the way !
does the ground on a run get ripped up and bad ? so a movable coop would be the better option.?
I'm sorry - all these questions ! Its just that I have spent ages on the net now trying to figure out the best option so any advice greatly appreciated. Basically I want friendly chickens that are good layers (so which breed ?) and a coop that comes with a run (so what is best ? I like the look of the covered cottage chicken coop (Ideas-4-Pets :: Dog Kennels | Dog Cages | Rabbit Hutches | Parrot Cages | Dog Beds | Cat Beds | Bird Cages) but looks heavy to move?? and the Eglu is a bit too expensive for me).
I may even build one myself so anybody know where I can get hold of some plans if I go down that road ?
we are very excited about entering into the chicken keeping world by the way !
